The work of two researchers, Mercedes Agullo and Rita Arditti, is the raw material for the development of two projects using cloud-based turn-key solutions. The resulting digital libraries bring together primary and secondary sources to a global audience of scholars and researchers that previously could not access these valuable yet hidden scholarly works. Mercedes Agulló y Cobo is a Spanish historian who, over the course of her career, has produced important scholarly reference works in the historiography of the book, painting, sculpture, and theater. The Library at UMass Boston was approached by a faculty member in Latin American & Iberian Studies interested in providing broad access to Agulló’s extensive, though largely inaccessible, bod...
Bloque de comunicaciones I: Biblioteca digitalCon motivo de 150º y 125º aniversario del nacimiento d...
The fourth of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) “Birds of a Feather” ga...
Gibson, K., Ladd, M. & Presnell, J. (2015) “Traversing the Gap: Subject specialists connecting resea...
The work of two researchers, Mercedes Agullo and Rita Arditti, is the raw material for the developme...
Reception and opening of the exhibition titled “Nunca Más”: Niños Desaparecidos en Argentina y Las A...
Since the middle of the 1990’s, higher education teaching, learning and research have evolved to inc...
In 2014, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections at the University of Texas at Austin r...
Providing web access to full-texts and e-publications has dramatically changed the way research resu...
Join the LAII and University Libraries for a presentation with Dr. Vanessa Fonseca, a Richard E. Gre...
Researchers at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont (UVM) and the Pontifical Catholic Un...
Digital technology has enabled new forms of collaboration, and data and knowledge sharing, but the b...
Presented at the Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners meeting, October 9, 2015.The University of Michi...
[EN] Digital humanities projects have opened a new line of collaboration between scientists and prof...
The present text was produced after a year and a half of the world pandemic, lockdowns, and strange ...
The mid-2010s are a challenging period to investigate digital collections precisely because they exi...
Bloque de comunicaciones I: Biblioteca digitalCon motivo de 150º y 125º aniversario del nacimiento d...
The fourth of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) “Birds of a Feather” ga...
Gibson, K., Ladd, M. & Presnell, J. (2015) “Traversing the Gap: Subject specialists connecting resea...
The work of two researchers, Mercedes Agullo and Rita Arditti, is the raw material for the developme...
Reception and opening of the exhibition titled “Nunca Más”: Niños Desaparecidos en Argentina y Las A...
Since the middle of the 1990’s, higher education teaching, learning and research have evolved to inc...
In 2014, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections at the University of Texas at Austin r...
Providing web access to full-texts and e-publications has dramatically changed the way research resu...
Join the LAII and University Libraries for a presentation with Dr. Vanessa Fonseca, a Richard E. Gre...
Researchers at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont (UVM) and the Pontifical Catholic Un...
Digital technology has enabled new forms of collaboration, and data and knowledge sharing, but the b...
Presented at the Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners meeting, October 9, 2015.The University of Michi...
[EN] Digital humanities projects have opened a new line of collaboration between scientists and prof...
The present text was produced after a year and a half of the world pandemic, lockdowns, and strange ...
The mid-2010s are a challenging period to investigate digital collections precisely because they exi...
Bloque de comunicaciones I: Biblioteca digitalCon motivo de 150º y 125º aniversario del nacimiento d...
The fourth of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) “Birds of a Feather” ga...
Gibson, K., Ladd, M. & Presnell, J. (2015) “Traversing the Gap: Subject specialists connecting resea...