Building Bridges in the Clouds: Connecting Researchers and Hidden Works

  • Elder, Andrew
  • Riley, Joanne M.
  • Ortiz-Zapata, Daniel
  • Blum, Ann
  • Coll-Tellechea, Reyes
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Publication date
May 2013


The work of two researchers, Mercedes Agullo and Rita Arditti, is the raw material for the development of two projects using cloud-based turn-key solutions. The resulting digital libraries bring together primary and secondary sources to a global audience of scholars and researchers that previously could not access these valuable yet hidden scholarly works. Mercedes Agulló y Cobo is a Spanish historian who, over the course of her career, has produced important scholarly reference works in the historiography of the book, painting, sculpture, and theater. The Library at UMass Boston was approached by a faculty member in Latin American & Iberian Studies interested in providing broad access to Agulló’s extensive, though largely inaccessible, bod...

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