Study of the training prescription in motorcycle sport racer ; The analysis of the heart rates in competitive motorcycle sport

  • 小田 慶喜
  • 川口 悦弘
  • 三浦 敏弘
  • Oda Yoshinobu
  • Kawaguchi Yoshihiro
  • Miura Toshihiro
Publication date
March 2002
身体運動文化学会 関西支部


There are few data on the training prescription of the motor sport athletes.The fundamental knowledge of the scientific training prescriptions are necessary for safety motor sport training. In this study two motorcycle racers of GP125 and SP400 participated to determine the heart rate response during motorcycle racing.The maximum value of heart rates indicated 180-190 beats per minute in racing. Two drivers kept high intensity with heart rate level. The mean heart rate was 170.7±6.5bpm and 179.8±8.7bpm respectively. And %HRmax was 85.8±3.3% and 93.2±4.5% respectively.Muscular strength and endurance are necessary to drive a high performance motorcycle machine. It was concluded that motorcycle racer demands higher work levels to keep riding p...

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