There are few data on the training prescription of the motor sport athletes.The fundamental knowledge of the scientific training prescriptions are necessary for safety motor sport training. In this study two motorcycle racers of GP125 and SP400 participated to determine the heart rate response during motorcycle racing.The maximum value of heart rates indicated 180-190 beats per minute in racing. Two drivers kept high intensity with heart rate level. The mean heart rate was 170.7±6.5bpm and 179.8±8.7bpm respectively. And %HRmax was 85.8±3.3% and 93.2±4.5% respectively.Muscular strength and endurance are necessary to drive a high performance motorcycle machine. It was concluded that motorcycle racer demands higher work levels to keep riding p...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of field size in Junior High School students...
This study aimed to provide a basis for the development of appropriate preventive measures during tr...
It takes fairly long time to develop an elite athlete regardless of any sports or any kind of perfor...
The aim of Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) is to use sport as a tool to overcome social issues...
J-GLOBAL ID : 201501027844069716J-GLOBAL ID : 201801009314123820J-GLOBAL ID : 202101004237845144This...
J-GLOBAL ID : 200901006236324733This study was examined the relationship between batting ability and...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status on utilization of GPS data in Profes...
The turn-taking rule of cooperative behaviors in preschool children was investigated. Previous resea...
13301甲第4929号博士(理学)金沢大学博士論文要旨Abstract 以下に掲載:Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88(54002) pp.054...
Recently, aging society becomes serious problem. In this research, pays attention to the wheelchair ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological effect by comparing changes in feelin...
The purpose of this study is to understand influence of evaluation of self-physical fitness and heal...
This is a report of group training of sand play therapy. The purpose of this practice is to produce ...
The purpose of the study was to compare difference between validity and practicality to evaluate of ...
The present study investigated Japanese mimetic words used in instruction of sports skills to determ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of field size in Junior High School students...
This study aimed to provide a basis for the development of appropriate preventive measures during tr...
It takes fairly long time to develop an elite athlete regardless of any sports or any kind of perfor...
The aim of Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) is to use sport as a tool to overcome social issues...
J-GLOBAL ID : 201501027844069716J-GLOBAL ID : 201801009314123820J-GLOBAL ID : 202101004237845144This...
J-GLOBAL ID : 200901006236324733This study was examined the relationship between batting ability and...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status on utilization of GPS data in Profes...
The turn-taking rule of cooperative behaviors in preschool children was investigated. Previous resea...
13301甲第4929号博士(理学)金沢大学博士論文要旨Abstract 以下に掲載:Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88(54002) pp.054...
Recently, aging society becomes serious problem. In this research, pays attention to the wheelchair ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological effect by comparing changes in feelin...
The purpose of this study is to understand influence of evaluation of self-physical fitness and heal...
This is a report of group training of sand play therapy. The purpose of this practice is to produce ...
The purpose of the study was to compare difference between validity and practicality to evaluate of ...
The present study investigated Japanese mimetic words used in instruction of sports skills to determ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of field size in Junior High School students...
This study aimed to provide a basis for the development of appropriate preventive measures during tr...
It takes fairly long time to develop an elite athlete regardless of any sports or any kind of perfor...