In the present study, we showed that a representational disorder for words can dissociate from both representational neglect for objects and neglect dyslexia. This study involved 14 brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect and a group of normal subjects. Patients were divided into four groups based on presence of left neglect dyslexia and representational neglect for non-verbal material, as evaluated by the Clock Drawing test. The patients were presented with bisection tasks for words and lines. The word bisection tasks (with words of five and seven letters) comprised the following: (1) representational bisection: the experimenter pronounced a word and then asked the patient to name the letter in the middle position; (2) ...
Neglect dyslexia is a reading disorder which affects the identification of portions of words or sent...
Weinzierl C, Kerkhoff G, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Stenneken P. Error types and error positions in ne...
The present study explored behavioral and eye-movement measures in unilateral neglect patients in re...
In the present study, we showed that a representational disorder for words can dissociate from both ...
Neglect Dyslexia is a neuropsychological syndrome in which patients commit consistently lateralised ...
Representational neglect, which is characterized by the failure to report left-sided details of a me...
Representational neglect, which is characterized by the failure to report left-sided details of a me...
Right-brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect typically set the mid-point of hor...
Word-centred neglect dyslexia is generally thought to be caused by a visuospatial neglect-like atten...
Right-brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect typically set the mid-point of hor...
Stenneken P, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Jacobs AM, Kerkhoff G. Task-dependent modulation of neglect dy...
Bisiach and Luzzatti (1978) provided evidence that unilateral spatial neglect is not only a disorder...
Brain-damaged patients with right-sided unilateral spatial neglect (USN) often make left-sided error...
Brain damaged patients suffering from representational neglect (RN) fail to report, orient to, or ve...
Neglect dyslexia is a disorder in which individuals misread text appearing on the contralateral side...
Neglect dyslexia is a reading disorder which affects the identification of portions of words or sent...
Weinzierl C, Kerkhoff G, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Stenneken P. Error types and error positions in ne...
The present study explored behavioral and eye-movement measures in unilateral neglect patients in re...
In the present study, we showed that a representational disorder for words can dissociate from both ...
Neglect Dyslexia is a neuropsychological syndrome in which patients commit consistently lateralised ...
Representational neglect, which is characterized by the failure to report left-sided details of a me...
Representational neglect, which is characterized by the failure to report left-sided details of a me...
Right-brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect typically set the mid-point of hor...
Word-centred neglect dyslexia is generally thought to be caused by a visuospatial neglect-like atten...
Right-brain-damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect typically set the mid-point of hor...
Stenneken P, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Jacobs AM, Kerkhoff G. Task-dependent modulation of neglect dy...
Bisiach and Luzzatti (1978) provided evidence that unilateral spatial neglect is not only a disorder...
Brain-damaged patients with right-sided unilateral spatial neglect (USN) often make left-sided error...
Brain damaged patients suffering from representational neglect (RN) fail to report, orient to, or ve...
Neglect dyslexia is a disorder in which individuals misread text appearing on the contralateral side...
Neglect dyslexia is a reading disorder which affects the identification of portions of words or sent...
Weinzierl C, Kerkhoff G, van Eimeren L, Keller I, Stenneken P. Error types and error positions in ne...
The present study explored behavioral and eye-movement measures in unilateral neglect patients in re...