Análisis de la traducción al español de “Little Women” con base en el modelo de traducción de Peter Newmark.

  • Arellano Mejía, María del Carmen
  • Solís Carrillo, Luis Juan
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Publication date
January 2013
Facultad de Lenguas


The purpose of this investigation is to analyze three Spanish translations of Little Women offered by different publishing houses. I will focus mainly on how each translated work describes the leading characters and how this might change the reader's perception of them. It is well known that when translating a document, there is always the risk of losing some part of the original meaning and beauty either because of cultural differences or linguistic ones. Either way, these losses have to be kept to a minimum or, if possible, to be compensated by using multiple resources, in an attempt to maintain the writer’s intentions as well as to deliver the writer’s thoughts and feelings to the reader in the most complete and uncorrupted way. This res...

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