Employment status and use of respiratory protection among metalworkers, solderers and welders

  • Mirabelli Mc
  • Zock Jp
  • Plana E.
  • Benke G
  • Kromhout H
  • Norbäck D
  • Olivieri M.
  • Radon K
  • Kogevinas M.
Publication date
January 2007


OBJECTIVES: Reported associations of self-employment with occupational injury and cerebrovascular disease suggest that worker safety and health precautions may vary by occupational status. The authors assessed the extent to which use of respiratory protection and ventilation equipment is associated with self-employed versus employee status among adults in an international study. METHODS: The European Community Respiratory Health Survey II (ECRHS II) is a follow-up study conducted in a population-based random sample of adult ECRHS I participants. Men and women enrolled in the ECRHS II completed interviewer-administered questionnaires to provide information about their occupational status and job history during the 9-year ECRHS follow-up per...

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