The electrooptic coefficients r33, r13 and rc of congruent and stoichiometric Lithium Niobate crystals are measured at several wavelengths through interferometric and polarimetric techniques. Results are discussed and compared to the literature data
International audienceCongruent lithium niobate (LN) doped with rare-earth ions is a promisingmateri...
Optical methods to characterise the composition and homogeneity of lithium niobate single crystal
International audienceAll coefficients of the unclamped and clamped electro-optic tensor of zirconiu...
The electrooptic coefficients r33, r13 and rc of congruent and stoichiometric Lithium Niobate crysta...
We investigated the electrooptic response of a set of Lithium Niobate crystals with Li concentration...
By exploiting a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the r(33) electro-optic coefficient of erbium-bulk-dope...
By exploiting a Mach\u2013Zehnder interferometer, the r33 electro-optic coefficient of erbium-bulk-d...
International audienceCongruent lithium niobate (LN) doped with rare-earth elements is a promising h...
The thermo-optic coefficient of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) has been measured in the temperature range ...
Lithium niobate crystals, alloyed by ion admixtures of nickel, cobalt, chromium, erbium and neodymiu...
The thesis presents a study and the development of optical arrangements and measurement techniques f...
International audienceCongruent lithium niobate (LN) doped with rare-earth ions is a promisingmateri...
Optical methods to characterise the composition and homogeneity of lithium niobate single crystal
International audienceAll coefficients of the unclamped and clamped electro-optic tensor of zirconiu...
The electrooptic coefficients r33, r13 and rc of congruent and stoichiometric Lithium Niobate crysta...
We investigated the electrooptic response of a set of Lithium Niobate crystals with Li concentration...
By exploiting a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the r(33) electro-optic coefficient of erbium-bulk-dope...
By exploiting a Mach\u2013Zehnder interferometer, the r33 electro-optic coefficient of erbium-bulk-d...
International audienceCongruent lithium niobate (LN) doped with rare-earth elements is a promising h...
The thermo-optic coefficient of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) has been measured in the temperature range ...
Lithium niobate crystals, alloyed by ion admixtures of nickel, cobalt, chromium, erbium and neodymiu...
The thesis presents a study and the development of optical arrangements and measurement techniques f...
International audienceCongruent lithium niobate (LN) doped with rare-earth ions is a promisingmateri...
Optical methods to characterise the composition and homogeneity of lithium niobate single crystal
International audienceAll coefficients of the unclamped and clamped electro-optic tensor of zirconiu...