Abstract: Interdisciplinary research promulgates euphoric hopes. By bringing together results of natural sciences and humanities scarce entries in historical data appear in a new light. A single account may offer a convincing explanation of a yet unexplored (or yet unconsidered) phenomenon of global or at least regional dimension. It illuminates the interrelation of nature and culture. One of these interrelations is impressively described in the remarkable article about volcanoes and the clim..
Like all other domains of science, rock art research, which is the main source of data for investiga...
The climate of humanities:Human species and the GeisteswissenschaftenDipesh Chakrabarty in the arti...
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of academic research on volcanic geomorphology...
Abstract: Interdisciplinary research promulgates euphoric hopes. By bringing together results of nat...
This article explores written and visual representations of volcanoes and volcanic activity in the l...
Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical ...
Current day volcanology largely tends to an instrumentalist view of art as, in its mimetic form, cap...
[ES] Volcanoes are one of the most complex subjects to teach in compulsory education due to the comb...
Current day volcanology largely tends to an instrumentalist view of art as, in its mimetic form, cap...
This thesis can be seen as a dossier on one volcano and the ways in which it is currently ‘thought’....
"The year is 12,800 BP. Europe is entirely occupied by people of the so-called Upper Magdalenian cul...
International audienceAt the end of a historiographical and epistemological research on the discipli...
Vulkane und Klima: Der Einfluss von Vulkaneruption auf Wetter und Klima ist schon seit Langem bekann...
In an era when pressing environmental problems make collaboration across the divide between sciences...
ABSTRACT. The heritage of mankind should be regarded as an indivisible whole: natural heritage (geol...
Like all other domains of science, rock art research, which is the main source of data for investiga...
The climate of humanities:Human species and the GeisteswissenschaftenDipesh Chakrabarty in the arti...
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of academic research on volcanic geomorphology...
Abstract: Interdisciplinary research promulgates euphoric hopes. By bringing together results of nat...
This article explores written and visual representations of volcanoes and volcanic activity in the l...
Volcanoes are unquestionably one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring features of the physical ...
Current day volcanology largely tends to an instrumentalist view of art as, in its mimetic form, cap...
[ES] Volcanoes are one of the most complex subjects to teach in compulsory education due to the comb...
Current day volcanology largely tends to an instrumentalist view of art as, in its mimetic form, cap...
This thesis can be seen as a dossier on one volcano and the ways in which it is currently ‘thought’....
"The year is 12,800 BP. Europe is entirely occupied by people of the so-called Upper Magdalenian cul...
International audienceAt the end of a historiographical and epistemological research on the discipli...
Vulkane und Klima: Der Einfluss von Vulkaneruption auf Wetter und Klima ist schon seit Langem bekann...
In an era when pressing environmental problems make collaboration across the divide between sciences...
ABSTRACT. The heritage of mankind should be regarded as an indivisible whole: natural heritage (geol...
Like all other domains of science, rock art research, which is the main source of data for investiga...
The climate of humanities:Human species and the GeisteswissenschaftenDipesh Chakrabarty in the arti...
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of academic research on volcanic geomorphology...