After more than 25 years of history the Ibero-American system is undergoing a process of institutional consolidation affected by the uninterrupted realization of political summits, the proliferation of specialized agencies and the execution of specific cooperation programs. Nevertheless, a matter of international and regional importance such as security has not yet received a comprehensive and continuous treatment, finding limited its reception to initiatives of partial scope and non-binding declarations. Despite the differences in strategic context, sub-regional cooperation schemes and agendas on both sides of the Atlantic, security policy management represents a necessary axis of work for Ibero- American States. Therefore, the purpose of ...
Strengthened and Consolidated, Spanish foreign policy's vocation for the Ibero-American space certai...
The present article delves in the role of internal political issues and autonomous decisions based o...
RESUMEN: La proyección iberoamericana de España es una de las dimensiones claves de su política exte...
Luego de más de 25 años de historia el sistema iberoamericano atraviesa un proceso de consolidación ...
The creation of th South American Nations Union (UNASUR) the 23rd of May, 2008, and particularly the...
The year 2000 marked a milestone given the big push the development cooperation agenda received up ...
Resumen: Las relaciones internacionales interamericanas se encuentran conformadas por las consolidac...
The international context of post-cold war and globalization emphasizes the need to develop elements...
Teniendo en cuenta que la U.E. ha desarrollado una visión de seguridad respecto a Latinoamérica de c...
The eighties have seen important changes in the international system. Among these, the transformatio...
For many, Europe has become a kind of integration model, due to the progress that has been made ther...
Teniendo en cuenta el impacto dispar de la crisis económica en Europa y América Latina, con un solap...
Cooperation in the intelligence field, has been a matter of undeniable complexity in all times, notw...
Regional security and defense are slowly gaining more government and military attention. The securit...
Security policy is a modern extension of defense policy. To the latter it incorporates an incessant ...
Strengthened and Consolidated, Spanish foreign policy's vocation for the Ibero-American space certai...
The present article delves in the role of internal political issues and autonomous decisions based o...
RESUMEN: La proyección iberoamericana de España es una de las dimensiones claves de su política exte...
Luego de más de 25 años de historia el sistema iberoamericano atraviesa un proceso de consolidación ...
The creation of th South American Nations Union (UNASUR) the 23rd of May, 2008, and particularly the...
The year 2000 marked a milestone given the big push the development cooperation agenda received up ...
Resumen: Las relaciones internacionales interamericanas se encuentran conformadas por las consolidac...
The international context of post-cold war and globalization emphasizes the need to develop elements...
Teniendo en cuenta que la U.E. ha desarrollado una visión de seguridad respecto a Latinoamérica de c...
The eighties have seen important changes in the international system. Among these, the transformatio...
For many, Europe has become a kind of integration model, due to the progress that has been made ther...
Teniendo en cuenta el impacto dispar de la crisis económica en Europa y América Latina, con un solap...
Cooperation in the intelligence field, has been a matter of undeniable complexity in all times, notw...
Regional security and defense are slowly gaining more government and military attention. The securit...
Security policy is a modern extension of defense policy. To the latter it incorporates an incessant ...
Strengthened and Consolidated, Spanish foreign policy's vocation for the Ibero-American space certai...
The present article delves in the role of internal political issues and autonomous decisions based o...
RESUMEN: La proyección iberoamericana de España es una de las dimensiones claves de su política exte...