In the studies about participation in the media, this paper analyzes the visibility of the woman in the comments of receptors in the online media. The chosen methodology intends to analize the content of the speeches made in three Spanish digital media in the news about education published between 2012 and 2015. The results highlight that, most of the comments are in favor of women’s rights and they are free of stereotypes, but also point out that in almost all news there are some opinions seriously offensive against women.Dentro de los estudios sobre participación en los medios, este texto analiza la visibilización de la mujer en los comentarios de los receptores en los medios on line.La metodología propuesta es el análisis de contenido de...
En este trabajo diseccionamos los elementos que integraron las representaciones mediáticas del Día I...
Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017This paper analyses the p...
Traditionally, big media corporations have contributed to hiding the women’s movement itself, as wel...
Dentro de los estudios sobre participación en los medios, este texto analiza la visibilización de la...
Gender violence has gradually become a public issue and a matter of State concern under permanent di...
Last couple of years, female presence has increased in Ecuadorian political institutions. However, t...
The aim of this research paper is to analyse the presence of women in online press. The paper is an ...
This research study addresses gender differences in practices and interactions in participatory disc...
It considers, at the moment, that our society approve the principle of equality, have been eradicate...
This paper presents the main findings of a qualitative study of news on femicides appearing in leadi...
Technology in journalism has modified its practices of production, dissemination and information con...
El trabajo tiene como fin determinar el tratamiento informativo que recibe el colectivo femenino. Me...
This research aims at understanding the women’s images discursivized in news published in online mag...
This article focuses, from a mediatic and advertising perspective, the image of women that take par...
In the present research we investigate possible predictors of the presence of women in Spanish onlin...
En este trabajo diseccionamos los elementos que integraron las representaciones mediáticas del Día I...
Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017This paper analyses the p...
Traditionally, big media corporations have contributed to hiding the women’s movement itself, as wel...
Dentro de los estudios sobre participación en los medios, este texto analiza la visibilización de la...
Gender violence has gradually become a public issue and a matter of State concern under permanent di...
Last couple of years, female presence has increased in Ecuadorian political institutions. However, t...
The aim of this research paper is to analyse the presence of women in online press. The paper is an ...
This research study addresses gender differences in practices and interactions in participatory disc...
It considers, at the moment, that our society approve the principle of equality, have been eradicate...
This paper presents the main findings of a qualitative study of news on femicides appearing in leadi...
Technology in journalism has modified its practices of production, dissemination and information con...
El trabajo tiene como fin determinar el tratamiento informativo que recibe el colectivo femenino. Me...
This research aims at understanding the women’s images discursivized in news published in online mag...
This article focuses, from a mediatic and advertising perspective, the image of women that take par...
In the present research we investigate possible predictors of the presence of women in Spanish onlin...
En este trabajo diseccionamos los elementos que integraron las representaciones mediáticas del Día I...
Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017This paper analyses the p...
Traditionally, big media corporations have contributed to hiding the women’s movement itself, as wel...