E‐cigarette product preferences among Australian young adult e‐cigarette users

  • Michelle I. Jongenelis
  • Caitlin Kameron
  • Emily Brennan
  • Daniel Rudaizky
  • Terry Slevin
  • Simone Pettigrew
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Publication date
December 2018
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health


Abstract Objective: To assess preferences for e‐cigarettes containing nicotine and flavourings among Australian young adult e‐cigarette users. Methods: An online survey was administered to 1,116 young adults (18–25 years), 104 of whom had used an e‐cigarette in the last 30 days and were the focus of this study. Among users, 53% also smoked tobacco cigarettes, 27% were non‐smokers and 20% had never smoked. Results: Nearly two‐thirds (64%) of e‐cigarette users preferred nicotine‐containing e‐cigarettes (71% of smokers, 56% of non‐smokers, 55% of never smokers). The vast majority (89%) preferred flavoured e‐cigarettes (92% of smokers, 82% of non‐smokers, 95% of never smokers), with fruit flavours the most popular. Conclusions: E‐cigarettes con...

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