Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 1990 - SOCON'90

  • Eisinga, R.N.
  • Felling, A.J.A.
  • Peters, J.
  • Scheepers, P.L.H.
  • Schreuder, O.
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Publication date
January 1990


Social relevance of Christian religion in the Netherlands. Importance of career, money, social security / importance, of children, marriage, family life / importance of equality and democracy / hedonism / importance of autonomy, being independent, self-determinative / the existence of God, the meaning of life, suffering, death, good and evil / importance of the Christian faith to r., religious orthodoxy, particularism, r.'s attitude to his religious group, church, importance of church membership, church membership of people around r. / role of the media with respect to religion / attitude to trade-unions, class differences and government intervention, restriction of civil liberties, abortion, euthanasia / view on women / commitment to loca...

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