The Ukrainian crisis of 2014 has been a popular theme of journal and media articles for obvious reasons. Its "Chinese", or rather Sino-Russian dimension has been less so, though the Chinese reaction to the Ukrainian crisis and the implications of this reaction represent interesting political phenomenon. This article tries to fill this gap and uses the description of Russia and China policies during the crisis as a case study of Moscow and Beijing political behavior on the international scene in general. Its thesis is that the Ukrainian crisis represents a great case study of these behaviors. Moreover, this case is also a supplement to the general discussion in the field about the state of Russia-China contemporary political relations
The book explores developments in Russia-China relations in the aftermath of the global economic cri...
Despite growing asymmetry in material capabilities, Russia has not decided to hedge against China. O...
The Ukrainian crisis is harmful to China’s overseas interests from a short term perspective. A wide ...
The Ukrainian crisis of 2014 has been a popular theme of journal and media articles for obvious reas...
As one of the most serious geopolitical crisis since the end of the Cold War, the Ukraine Crisis has...
The ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine since February 2022 has presented significant chal...
The crisis in Ukraine has propelled China-Russia relations to new heights. Against the backdrop of t...
The aim of this article is to analyse Beijing’s actions in the course of the conflict in the Eastern...
On the 24th of February 2022, the Russian Federation began the military invasion of Ukraine after re...
Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia's "eastward pivot" has intensified, mainly observable...
The crisis in Crimea caused the world to condemn Russia's invasive actions. China, as Russia's strat...
Chinese-Ukrainian relations are still defined by the events of 2014: the Ukrainian Revolution of Dig...
In the past few years, there has been a significant economic and political rapprochement between Chi...
As the Crimean Crisis goes on, many analysis have been focusing on the dynamics among parties of Ukr...
This article aims to explain and analyze the complexity of the Ukraine War by scrutinizing two impor...
The book explores developments in Russia-China relations in the aftermath of the global economic cri...
Despite growing asymmetry in material capabilities, Russia has not decided to hedge against China. O...
The Ukrainian crisis is harmful to China’s overseas interests from a short term perspective. A wide ...
The Ukrainian crisis of 2014 has been a popular theme of journal and media articles for obvious reas...
As one of the most serious geopolitical crisis since the end of the Cold War, the Ukraine Crisis has...
The ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine since February 2022 has presented significant chal...
The crisis in Ukraine has propelled China-Russia relations to new heights. Against the backdrop of t...
The aim of this article is to analyse Beijing’s actions in the course of the conflict in the Eastern...
On the 24th of February 2022, the Russian Federation began the military invasion of Ukraine after re...
Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia's "eastward pivot" has intensified, mainly observable...
The crisis in Crimea caused the world to condemn Russia's invasive actions. China, as Russia's strat...
Chinese-Ukrainian relations are still defined by the events of 2014: the Ukrainian Revolution of Dig...
In the past few years, there has been a significant economic and political rapprochement between Chi...
As the Crimean Crisis goes on, many analysis have been focusing on the dynamics among parties of Ukr...
This article aims to explain and analyze the complexity of the Ukraine War by scrutinizing two impor...
The book explores developments in Russia-China relations in the aftermath of the global economic cri...
Despite growing asymmetry in material capabilities, Russia has not decided to hedge against China. O...
The Ukrainian crisis is harmful to China’s overseas interests from a short term perspective. A wide ...