Living and Shopping in Nonmetropolitan Nebraska

  • Vogt, Rebecca J.
  • Cantrell, Randolph L.
  • Johnson, Bruce B.
  • Lubben, Bradley D.
Publication date
January 2010
DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Recent community level Census data show that most small communities in Nebraska have experienced population decline since 2000. However, most larger communities have experienced population growth during this same time period. In addition, small rural communities in Nebraska have experienced a decline in retailing activity in the past few decades. The Internet has also impacted retail shopping behaviors, allowing customers to purchase goods and services online that they normally purchased from businesses in their community. Given these conditions, how do rural Nebraskans feel about their community? Are they satisfied with the services provided by their community? Are they planning to move from their community in the next year? Have these vie...

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