Image processing is any form of information processing when both the input and output are images. Th...
Following recent trends, the domain of Image Processing is growing vastly. The modern world is becom...
The objective of this project is to present the design and analysis of a camera module system which ...
研究并综述了如何用有生物学依据的脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)的脉冲发放特性进行图像处理, 如图像去噪、图像分割、图像的阴影去除、图像的边缘检测等.研究发现, PCNN可有效地用于图像处理.虽然解决图像...
Introduction: In our everyday life we encounter DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technologies in ever...
Digital image processing is an ever expanding and dynamic area with applications reaching out into o...
The authors continue their tradition of presenting technical reviews and performance comparisons of ...
Abstract—In the process of real time image processing, the amount of image processing computing and ...
Rozpoznávanie tvárí je komplexný proces, ktorého hlavným ciežom je rozpoznanie žudskej tváre v obráz...
An image is a two-dimensional signal whose intensity at any point is a function of two spatial varia...
Recent advances in very large scale integration (VLSI) have contributed to the current digital signa...
From Introduction: The research concentrates primarily on a feasibility study involving the setting ...
A systematic study on importance of image processing and its applications to the field of computer v...
Image processing is any form of information processing when both the input and output are images. Th...
Following recent trends, the domain of Image Processing is growing vastly. The modern world is becom...
The objective of this project is to present the design and analysis of a camera module system which ...
研究并综述了如何用有生物学依据的脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)的脉冲发放特性进行图像处理, 如图像去噪、图像分割、图像的阴影去除、图像的边缘检测等.研究发现, PCNN可有效地用于图像处理.虽然解决图像...
Introduction: In our everyday life we encounter DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technologies in ever...
Digital image processing is an ever expanding and dynamic area with applications reaching out into o...
The authors continue their tradition of presenting technical reviews and performance comparisons of ...
Abstract—In the process of real time image processing, the amount of image processing computing and ...
Rozpoznávanie tvárí je komplexný proces, ktorého hlavným ciežom je rozpoznanie žudskej tváre v obráz...
An image is a two-dimensional signal whose intensity at any point is a function of two spatial varia...
Recent advances in very large scale integration (VLSI) have contributed to the current digital signa...
From Introduction: The research concentrates primarily on a feasibility study involving the setting ...
A systematic study on importance of image processing and its applications to the field of computer v...
Image processing is any form of information processing when both the input and output are images. Th...
Following recent trends, the domain of Image Processing is growing vastly. The modern world is becom...
The objective of this project is to present the design and analysis of a camera module system which ...