Understanding the geographical, environmental and social patterns of genetic diversity on different spatial scales is key to the sustainable in situ management of genetic resources. However, few surveys have been conducted on crop genetic diversity using exhaustive in situ germplasm collections on a country scale and such data are missing for sorghum in sub-Saharan Africa, its centre of origin. We report here a genetic analysis of 484 sorghum varieties collected in 79 villages evenly distributed across Niger, using 28 microsatellite markers. We found a high level of SSR diversity in Niger. Diversity varied between eastern and western Niger, and allelic richness was lower in the eastern part of the country. Genetic differentiation between bo...
Microsatellite markers are increasingly being used in crop plants to discriminate among genotypes an...
Diversity among 124 sorghum landraces from 10 villages surveyed in 3 regions of Burkina Faso coverin...
An understanding of the extent, distribution and patterns of genetic variation is useful for estimat...
Understanding the geographical, environmental and social patterns of genetic diversity on different ...
Using microsatellite genetic markers, we analyzed 1,518 sorghum samples collected at different spati...
The dynamics of crop genetic diversity need to be assessed to draw up monitoring and conservation pr...
Background. Sorghum, the fourth cereal worldwide, was domesticated in Sub-Saharan Africa and is now ...
In the tropical and semi-arid regions of Africa, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is mainly gro...
Crop species are characterised by their intimate association with human populations, their history a...
Sorghum is ranked the fifth most produced food crop in the world, and is a dietary staple for over 5...
International audienceImproving adaptation of staple crops in developing countries is important to e...
We report here an analysis of the structure of genetic diversity in cultivated sorghums. A core coll...
The understanding of genetic diversity within local crop varieties constitutes an important step in ...
UMR 1334 AGAP : Equipe AFEF ‘Architecture et Fonctionnement des Espèces fruitières’ ; Team AFFS ‘Arc...
Abstract Genetic diversity plays an important role in selection of parental stocks in plant breeding...
Microsatellite markers are increasingly being used in crop plants to discriminate among genotypes an...
Diversity among 124 sorghum landraces from 10 villages surveyed in 3 regions of Burkina Faso coverin...
An understanding of the extent, distribution and patterns of genetic variation is useful for estimat...
Understanding the geographical, environmental and social patterns of genetic diversity on different ...
Using microsatellite genetic markers, we analyzed 1,518 sorghum samples collected at different spati...
The dynamics of crop genetic diversity need to be assessed to draw up monitoring and conservation pr...
Background. Sorghum, the fourth cereal worldwide, was domesticated in Sub-Saharan Africa and is now ...
In the tropical and semi-arid regions of Africa, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is mainly gro...
Crop species are characterised by their intimate association with human populations, their history a...
Sorghum is ranked the fifth most produced food crop in the world, and is a dietary staple for over 5...
International audienceImproving adaptation of staple crops in developing countries is important to e...
We report here an analysis of the structure of genetic diversity in cultivated sorghums. A core coll...
The understanding of genetic diversity within local crop varieties constitutes an important step in ...
UMR 1334 AGAP : Equipe AFEF ‘Architecture et Fonctionnement des Espèces fruitières’ ; Team AFFS ‘Arc...
Abstract Genetic diversity plays an important role in selection of parental stocks in plant breeding...
Microsatellite markers are increasingly being used in crop plants to discriminate among genotypes an...
Diversity among 124 sorghum landraces from 10 villages surveyed in 3 regions of Burkina Faso coverin...
An understanding of the extent, distribution and patterns of genetic variation is useful for estimat...