An account of the transnational and subversive work of the Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, both within Poland and as an emigre director. The chapter shows how Zulawski's aesthetics explode the limits of Polish 'moral realism' and explore uncharted territories of performative and stylistic exces
<span>This article presents the influence that Witold Gombrowicz’s work has had on Polish cinema. It...
BALLAD OF PIOUS UBEK: POLISH CINEMA AND POLITICS (1989–2015) Korczarowska attempts to analyze select...
Mikołaj Jazdon in his article presents an analysis and interpretation of a documentary that became a...
An account of the transnational and subversive work of the Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, both wi...
An account of the transnational and subversive work of the Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, both wi...
This volume introduces a novel treatment of Polish cinema by discussing its international reception,...
As for Polish cinema, it was a primary aim to describe ironies of Poland society and history. Like o...
The paper focuses on a characteristic of Andrzej Zulawski’s aesthetics which has been ignored by mos...
Book synopsis: The opening up of Poland economically and politically to global influences after the ...
The article discusses the films belonging to the Cinema of Moral Anxiety (1976-1981) as the most cha...
Celem pracy jest analiza relacji pomiędzy cielesnością a szaleństwem w filmach Andrzeja Żuławskiego....
The opening up of Poland economically and politically to global influences after the fall of the Ber...
Hyperbolic, pedantic, pretentious, controversial and undoubtedly unique filmmaker, polish Andrzej Zu...
Breaking the taboo. The earliest cinematic echoes of the March 1968 experiencThe articles author tri...
This article presents the influence that Witold Gombrowicz’s work has had on Polish cinema. It cover...
<span>This article presents the influence that Witold Gombrowicz’s work has had on Polish cinema. It...
BALLAD OF PIOUS UBEK: POLISH CINEMA AND POLITICS (1989–2015) Korczarowska attempts to analyze select...
Mikołaj Jazdon in his article presents an analysis and interpretation of a documentary that became a...
An account of the transnational and subversive work of the Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, both wi...
An account of the transnational and subversive work of the Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, both wi...
This volume introduces a novel treatment of Polish cinema by discussing its international reception,...
As for Polish cinema, it was a primary aim to describe ironies of Poland society and history. Like o...
The paper focuses on a characteristic of Andrzej Zulawski’s aesthetics which has been ignored by mos...
Book synopsis: The opening up of Poland economically and politically to global influences after the ...
The article discusses the films belonging to the Cinema of Moral Anxiety (1976-1981) as the most cha...
Celem pracy jest analiza relacji pomiędzy cielesnością a szaleństwem w filmach Andrzeja Żuławskiego....
The opening up of Poland economically and politically to global influences after the fall of the Ber...
Hyperbolic, pedantic, pretentious, controversial and undoubtedly unique filmmaker, polish Andrzej Zu...
Breaking the taboo. The earliest cinematic echoes of the March 1968 experiencThe articles author tri...
This article presents the influence that Witold Gombrowicz’s work has had on Polish cinema. It cover...
<span>This article presents the influence that Witold Gombrowicz’s work has had on Polish cinema. It...
BALLAD OF PIOUS UBEK: POLISH CINEMA AND POLITICS (1989–2015) Korczarowska attempts to analyze select...
Mikołaj Jazdon in his article presents an analysis and interpretation of a documentary that became a...