PCR cycling protocols. Time-release (a) and no-time-release (b) PCR cycling protocols. In the time-release protocol, the heat-activated DNA-polymerase was progressively released during the thermal cycling process. Annealing temperatures and number of cycles indicated with an X are specified for each marker in Additional file 2. (PDF 34 kb
Corrected microsatellite data. Microsatellite data corrected for allelic dropout in Structure format...
Figure S1. Structure of dGC flip over region on chromosome 10. (A) Orange and blue colors of the pen...
Primer information used in qPCR analysis. Table of forward and reverse primer sequences for 34 Crass...
Microsatellite markers. Characteristics of each microsatellite marker, including cycling conditions ...
Temporal versus local genetic differentiation. Temporal genetic change in comparison to local and re...
Surface air temperatures. Daily average surface air temperatures (SAT) at each of the seven sampling...
Temporal changes. Estimates of effective population size (Ne), temporal genetic differentiation (F S...
Spatial differentiation. Regional and local genetic differentiation between sampling sites in histor...
Diversity estimates. Diversity estimates, including heterozygosity (Hexp), allelic richness (Îą), an...
Microsatellite raw data. Microsatellite genotypes in Structure format. The first row contains the na...
Corrected microsatellite data. Microsatellite data corrected for allelic dropout in Structure format...
Figure S1. Structure of dGC flip over region on chromosome 10. (A) Orange and blue colors of the pen...
Primer information used in qPCR analysis. Table of forward and reverse primer sequences for 34 Crass...
Microsatellite markers. Characteristics of each microsatellite marker, including cycling conditions ...
Temporal versus local genetic differentiation. Temporal genetic change in comparison to local and re...
Surface air temperatures. Daily average surface air temperatures (SAT) at each of the seven sampling...
Temporal changes. Estimates of effective population size (Ne), temporal genetic differentiation (F S...
Spatial differentiation. Regional and local genetic differentiation between sampling sites in histor...
Diversity estimates. Diversity estimates, including heterozygosity (Hexp), allelic richness (Îą), an...
Microsatellite raw data. Microsatellite genotypes in Structure format. The first row contains the na...
Corrected microsatellite data. Microsatellite data corrected for allelic dropout in Structure format...
Figure S1. Structure of dGC flip over region on chromosome 10. (A) Orange and blue colors of the pen...
Primer information used in qPCR analysis. Table of forward and reverse primer sequences for 34 Crass...