The aim of this work is to describe the issue of breast cancer surgery and the role of physiotherapy in this area. The theoretical part describes basics of breast anatomy, defines breast carcinoma, its diagnosis, risk factors, types, ways of spreading and symptoms of the disease. For the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications is crucial early and long-term physiotherapy of the patients. Next chapter describes the objectives of physiotherapy, kinesiological analysis of patients and most frequently used therapeutic techniques. The last chapter deals with the psychological aspect of therapy and confirms the significant influence of psychic on the results of treatment and on the quality of life of the patients. The practical pa...
According to worldwide statistics breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Despite the succ...
Breast cancer is the most common tumor among women. In many cases it requires drastic surgical proce...
Rak piersi jest najczęściej diagnozowanym nowotworem u kobiet w Polsce. Jest zarazem główną przyczyn...
The aim of this work is to describe the issue of breast cancer surgery and the role of physiotherapy...
The breast cencer is the world's most common cancer among women. It affects about 6 % of them and it...
My Bachelor thesis Physiotherapy at people suffering from the oncology diagnosis focusing on the bre...
Breast cancer is one of the most serious issues in women's health. This is not only due to its high ...
This work deals with finding meaning PNF in therapy after breast surgery. In the theoretical part is...
Rak dojke je najčešći maligni tumor u žena koji uzrokuje veliku smrtnost, kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u...
Karcinom dojke smatra se najčešćom zloćudnom bolesti kod žena. Liječenje karcinoma dojke je kompleks...
The main purpose of this study was present issues related to the amputation of the breast and physio...
These studies were undertaken to create a broader understanding of the effectiveness of physiotherap...
Physiotherapy of patients after mastectomy is a complex process. It includes not only physical exerc...
Praca stanowi omówienie postępowania rehabilitacyjnego u pacjentki, po leczeniu oszczędzającym raka ...
Title: The Possibilities of Physical Activities for Women after Breast Cancer Surgery Objectives: Th...
According to worldwide statistics breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Despite the succ...
Breast cancer is the most common tumor among women. In many cases it requires drastic surgical proce...
Rak piersi jest najczęściej diagnozowanym nowotworem u kobiet w Polsce. Jest zarazem główną przyczyn...
The aim of this work is to describe the issue of breast cancer surgery and the role of physiotherapy...
The breast cencer is the world's most common cancer among women. It affects about 6 % of them and it...
My Bachelor thesis Physiotherapy at people suffering from the oncology diagnosis focusing on the bre...
Breast cancer is one of the most serious issues in women's health. This is not only due to its high ...
This work deals with finding meaning PNF in therapy after breast surgery. In the theoretical part is...
Rak dojke je najčešći maligni tumor u žena koji uzrokuje veliku smrtnost, kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u...
Karcinom dojke smatra se najčešćom zloćudnom bolesti kod žena. Liječenje karcinoma dojke je kompleks...
The main purpose of this study was present issues related to the amputation of the breast and physio...
These studies were undertaken to create a broader understanding of the effectiveness of physiotherap...
Physiotherapy of patients after mastectomy is a complex process. It includes not only physical exerc...
Praca stanowi omówienie postępowania rehabilitacyjnego u pacjentki, po leczeniu oszczędzającym raka ...
Title: The Possibilities of Physical Activities for Women after Breast Cancer Surgery Objectives: Th...
According to worldwide statistics breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Despite the succ...
Breast cancer is the most common tumor among women. In many cases it requires drastic surgical proce...
Rak piersi jest najczęściej diagnozowanym nowotworem u kobiet w Polsce. Jest zarazem główną przyczyn...