A fiction writer will often begin writing a manuscript in a rough and fragmentary manner, and over time transform these early attempts into what is hoped will be a publishable manuscript. Yet there is little in the creative writing literature on the practical aspects of writing process as utilised by writers, and/or on how writing process might be taught. Using writing process theoretical research, and accounts by writers of their processes, I look at how process, and in particular revision, can be taught in the undergraduate fiction writing workshop. I argue that effective student learning about revision occurs in response to assignments which ask students to re-enter the fictional world they have created, and make substantive changes
Taking into consideration the complexity of writing, it is crucially important to develop an app...
Writing is very important and useful competency because it enables us to understand deeply and put y...
of topic, (c) multiple drafts with revision emphasized, and (d) writing within a predictable structu...
A fiction writer will often begin writing a manuscript in a rough and fragmentary manner, and over t...
To describe and analyze the revision processes of a group of college freshmen and a group of experie...
The phenomenon of teaching and learning the writing for publication process was examined from the p...
This study analyzes teacher change in the implementation of a writing workshop approach to teaching ...
For elementary teachers especially, the writing process is an important element in the classroom. It...
When a writing process is used to teach writing, students begin to understand writing as a form of c...
This program explores the process approach to writing instruction, asserting that the act of writing...
Successful and unsuccessful strategies practically complied with in the act of writing have been so ...
Abstract: The writing process approach views a writing learner as a creator of text, and hence, he n...
James Berlin has posited that teachers ought to be able to recognize and justify their own versions ...
”There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” --- W. Som...
The ability of students in the American educational system to write proficiently is fundamental. Yet...
Taking into consideration the complexity of writing, it is crucially important to develop an app...
Writing is very important and useful competency because it enables us to understand deeply and put y...
of topic, (c) multiple drafts with revision emphasized, and (d) writing within a predictable structu...
A fiction writer will often begin writing a manuscript in a rough and fragmentary manner, and over t...
To describe and analyze the revision processes of a group of college freshmen and a group of experie...
The phenomenon of teaching and learning the writing for publication process was examined from the p...
This study analyzes teacher change in the implementation of a writing workshop approach to teaching ...
For elementary teachers especially, the writing process is an important element in the classroom. It...
When a writing process is used to teach writing, students begin to understand writing as a form of c...
This program explores the process approach to writing instruction, asserting that the act of writing...
Successful and unsuccessful strategies practically complied with in the act of writing have been so ...
Abstract: The writing process approach views a writing learner as a creator of text, and hence, he n...
James Berlin has posited that teachers ought to be able to recognize and justify their own versions ...
”There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” --- W. Som...
The ability of students in the American educational system to write proficiently is fundamental. Yet...
Taking into consideration the complexity of writing, it is crucially important to develop an app...
Writing is very important and useful competency because it enables us to understand deeply and put y...
of topic, (c) multiple drafts with revision emphasized, and (d) writing within a predictable structu...