超常传导 人们对超常传导(supernormal conduction)的认识经历了漫长的过程,早在1912年Adr4an和Lucas在对神经细胞电生理研究中发现了"超常应激"现象;嗣后,Lewis和Master等在1924年报道1例高度房室阻滞患者其传导功能发生"超常"暂时性改善的现象,提出了"超常传导"的概念.中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC)06459-4681
The atrioventricular node (AVN) is a small but critically important component of the cardiac electri...
The cardiac conduction system (CS) controls the generation and propagation of electrical activity th...
It is well established that a variety of pathological conditions induces structural and electrical r...
The heart is a syncytium: electrical impulses propagate freely between cells in every direction, so ...
The relationships between key features of the cardiac electrical activity, such as electrical restit...
编者的话 全国科学技术名词审定委员会成立于1985年,经国务院授权,代表国家进行科技名词审定和公布,其审定公布的名词具有权威性和约束力,全国各科研、教学、生产经营以及新闻出版等单位均应遵照使用.053...
心脏的基本功能和基本的活动形式有两种:电活动和机械活动.在每一个心动周期中都是电活动在前,机械活动在后,两者相差40~60 ms,形成了兴奋与收缩的耦联.人们常把心脏比喻为循环系统中的一个动力泵,更确...
Ageing of the population, life style and increased survival of patients with cardiovascular diseases...
P(論文)An analysis of the relation between electrocardiogram (ECG) and intracellular action potential ...
The sinoatrial (SA) node, located in the right atrium wall, is the heart's biological pacemaker and ...
In this fourth article of the British Journal of Nursing’s ECG Interpretation Series, we examine the...
The atrioventricular node (AVN) is a small but critically important component of the cardiac electri...
The cardiac conduction system (CS) controls the generation and propagation of electrical activity th...
It is well established that a variety of pathological conditions induces structural and electrical r...
The heart is a syncytium: electrical impulses propagate freely between cells in every direction, so ...
The relationships between key features of the cardiac electrical activity, such as electrical restit...
编者的话 全国科学技术名词审定委员会成立于1985年,经国务院授权,代表国家进行科技名词审定和公布,其审定公布的名词具有权威性和约束力,全国各科研、教学、生产经营以及新闻出版等单位均应遵照使用.053...
心脏的基本功能和基本的活动形式有两种:电活动和机械活动.在每一个心动周期中都是电活动在前,机械活动在后,两者相差40~60 ms,形成了兴奋与收缩的耦联.人们常把心脏比喻为循环系统中的一个动力泵,更确...
Ageing of the population, life style and increased survival of patients with cardiovascular diseases...
P(論文)An analysis of the relation between electrocardiogram (ECG) and intracellular action potential ...
The sinoatrial (SA) node, located in the right atrium wall, is the heart's biological pacemaker and ...
In this fourth article of the British Journal of Nursing’s ECG Interpretation Series, we examine the...
The atrioventricular node (AVN) is a small but critically important component of the cardiac electri...
The cardiac conduction system (CS) controls the generation and propagation of electrical activity th...
It is well established that a variety of pathological conditions induces structural and electrical r...