Islamic Defender Front/Front Pembela Islam (FPI) is one of the most prominent civil organizations in Indonesia. They also perceived as one of the most radical and violent Islamic organizations in Indonesia especially when dealing with the religious/blasphemy issues towards Islam. On the contrary, the cause of violence in FPI is not always depends on religious issues. They also have another reason in resorting to violence even with their fellow Islamic organizations. This case is often found in their relations with Islamic Jihad Front/Front Jihad Islam (FJI) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta province. This research will try to explain the patterns of violence in FPI’s activities in Yogyakarta, both towards the religious issues or others. ...
Though Indonesia has claimed a principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ("different but one"), in reality t...
This article examines the complexities surrounding violence by Muslims towards the Ahmadiyya communi...
Salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan yang sering menghiasi berbagai pemberitaan dalam media adalah F...
This article aims to reveal the strengthening of the tendency of Islamic fundamentalism in Indonesia...
In this paper we explore the ways in which the Indonesian Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defenders Fr...
The Indonesian democratic era has provided hope for the growth of mutual social practices establishe...
Various models of violence in social life might be caused by religion. Violence in the name of relig...
Many scholars believe that every religion has its peaceful interpretation as well as violent practic...
Abstract: This article discusses the violence conducted by the Islamic Defender Front in Dengok Kand...
Artikel ini membahas fenomena radikalisme Islam pada generasi muda Solo berdasarkan fakta-fakta sosi...
Lately Indonesia is facing a lot of tremendous experience about religious violence. Indonesian Islam...
Lately Indonesia is facing a lot of tremendous experience about religious violence. Indonesian Islam...
There is an ideology in every movement. Of course, that ideology that constructs the pattern of orga...
Acts of violence in the name of religion have frequently in lndonesia in recent times, a country in...
Meskipun mengandung kontradiksi dan paradok secara logis, namun kekerasan atas nama agama tidak suka...
Though Indonesia has claimed a principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ("different but one"), in reality t...
This article examines the complexities surrounding violence by Muslims towards the Ahmadiyya communi...
Salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan yang sering menghiasi berbagai pemberitaan dalam media adalah F...
This article aims to reveal the strengthening of the tendency of Islamic fundamentalism in Indonesia...
In this paper we explore the ways in which the Indonesian Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defenders Fr...
The Indonesian democratic era has provided hope for the growth of mutual social practices establishe...
Various models of violence in social life might be caused by religion. Violence in the name of relig...
Many scholars believe that every religion has its peaceful interpretation as well as violent practic...
Abstract: This article discusses the violence conducted by the Islamic Defender Front in Dengok Kand...
Artikel ini membahas fenomena radikalisme Islam pada generasi muda Solo berdasarkan fakta-fakta sosi...
Lately Indonesia is facing a lot of tremendous experience about religious violence. Indonesian Islam...
Lately Indonesia is facing a lot of tremendous experience about religious violence. Indonesian Islam...
There is an ideology in every movement. Of course, that ideology that constructs the pattern of orga...
Acts of violence in the name of religion have frequently in lndonesia in recent times, a country in...
Meskipun mengandung kontradiksi dan paradok secara logis, namun kekerasan atas nama agama tidak suka...
Though Indonesia has claimed a principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ("different but one"), in reality t...
This article examines the complexities surrounding violence by Muslims towards the Ahmadiyya communi...
Salah satu organisasi kemasyarakatan yang sering menghiasi berbagai pemberitaan dalam media adalah F...