One of the essential components of health is food. Food calls our urgent attention because it constitutes “the overriding human need, the very means of life, recognized in the charter of United Nations as a human right” (Madeley, 2000, p. 25). Food is a fundamental necessity in our lives. The Food Research Action Center (2005) notes a wide range of negative health outcomes due to hunger and malnutrition: hungry persons suffer from two to four times as many individual health problems, such as unwanted weight loss, fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate and frequent colds; the mortality rate is closely related to inadequate quantity or quality of the diet; iron-deficiency anemia in children can lead to negative health effects such as de...
[[abstract]]Health is intrinsic to human security (HumS) although it is somewhat anthropocentric and...
The right to food has always been recognized as a valid and fundamental right of the individual. In ...
Food security is fundamentally about achieving reliable access to adequate, affordable and nutritiou...
One of the essential components of health is food. Food calls our urgent attention because it consti...
[[abstract]]The WHO asserts that the global food price crisis threatens public health and jeopardize...
A primary focus of the IFPRI 2020 Vision initiative is to find ways for people to attain food securi...
Poor diets are responsible for more of the global burden of disease than sex, drugs, alcohol, and to...
Despite significant progress achieved in the last two decades, global hunger and malnutrition remain...
The benefits of international trade are embedded in our everyday lives, our meals have been shaped b...
Among the great challenges the world faces are how to ensure food security for its growing populatio...
Food systems are increasingly challenged to ensure food security and balanced diets for all, around ...
By its very nature, liberalizing food trade facilitates trade in food products and services across n...
Poverty causes malnutrition, but malnutrition also contributes to poverty through increased morbidit...
Hunger currently plagues over one billion people around the world, leaving mainly women, children an...
The uneven distribution of hunger and nutrition reflects the unequal distribution of power in the fo...
[[abstract]]Health is intrinsic to human security (HumS) although it is somewhat anthropocentric and...
The right to food has always been recognized as a valid and fundamental right of the individual. In ...
Food security is fundamentally about achieving reliable access to adequate, affordable and nutritiou...
One of the essential components of health is food. Food calls our urgent attention because it consti...
[[abstract]]The WHO asserts that the global food price crisis threatens public health and jeopardize...
A primary focus of the IFPRI 2020 Vision initiative is to find ways for people to attain food securi...
Poor diets are responsible for more of the global burden of disease than sex, drugs, alcohol, and to...
Despite significant progress achieved in the last two decades, global hunger and malnutrition remain...
The benefits of international trade are embedded in our everyday lives, our meals have been shaped b...
Among the great challenges the world faces are how to ensure food security for its growing populatio...
Food systems are increasingly challenged to ensure food security and balanced diets for all, around ...
By its very nature, liberalizing food trade facilitates trade in food products and services across n...
Poverty causes malnutrition, but malnutrition also contributes to poverty through increased morbidit...
Hunger currently plagues over one billion people around the world, leaving mainly women, children an...
The uneven distribution of hunger and nutrition reflects the unequal distribution of power in the fo...
[[abstract]]Health is intrinsic to human security (HumS) although it is somewhat anthropocentric and...
The right to food has always been recognized as a valid and fundamental right of the individual. In ...
Food security is fundamentally about achieving reliable access to adequate, affordable and nutritiou...