Understanding the driving related risk-taking attitudes and behaviours of young people in rural and semi-rural areas

  • Knight, Patricia Joan, Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW
Publication date
January 2013
University of New South Wales. Community Medicine


Young people are over-represented in crashes on roads.. Safe driving depends upon a range of skills and competencies, although the use of these skills is also dependent on the perceptions of “safe” driving of individual drivers, and potentially those around them. Driving skills may also be honed to enhance safe driving within a specific set of conditions, such as in driving on rural roads or driving through harsh weather conditions.Research investigating these high crash rates usually focused upon those whose behaviour indicates that they are high risk-takers or who have already been involved in driving-related incidents. However, the perceptions, experiences and beliefs of a wide cross-section of young drivers, with its inherent mix of hig...

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