Average income per capita is one of the main indicators of the standard of living. This indicator is widely used in research devoted to poverty, interregional income inequality, and is also the main reference point of success of pursued regional policies. A number of researchers note poor quality of official data on household income and call into question their reliability in some regions of Russia. The main reasons include the following: the scale of shadow economy, especially at the level of some regions; insufficient state financing of respective research; and outdated statistical methods of data processing. The author offers the method of quality checking of official statistical data on income per capita by means of a number of indirect...
The subject of this article is the types of relationship between economic development and degree of ...
The article aims at identifying the social structure and the inequality in monetary income of the po...
ntroduction. Effective management of regional socioeconomic development processes is not possible wi...
Currently, the priority of the Russian Federation socio-economic development is to achieve sustainab...
The subject area of the research in this article is the existing methodological framework and approa...
The article deals with the problems of reducing the real disposable income of Russian citizens over ...
This article is devoted to the issue of the subsistence minimum of the population of Russia by regio...
In the proposed paper, an attempt is made to estimate the proportion of unstated income for Russian ...
Comparisons of well-being indicators in monetary terms across regions of a country do not provide in...
The paper presents the research results of monetary income differentiation of the population with us...
The paper proves the need of a complex poverty measurement approach in Russian regions, including th...
The article studies the differentiation of per capita incomes of urban and rural areas of Russia, as...
The article is devoted to the review of the living standard indicators of the Moscow and Moscow regi...
The poverty is a multifaceted and diverse phenomenon, it varies in time and space. In the economic l...
Currently, a complex of the most important national projects is being implemented in the Russian Fed...
The subject of this article is the types of relationship between economic development and degree of ...
The article aims at identifying the social structure and the inequality in monetary income of the po...
ntroduction. Effective management of regional socioeconomic development processes is not possible wi...
Currently, the priority of the Russian Federation socio-economic development is to achieve sustainab...
The subject area of the research in this article is the existing methodological framework and approa...
The article deals with the problems of reducing the real disposable income of Russian citizens over ...
This article is devoted to the issue of the subsistence minimum of the population of Russia by regio...
In the proposed paper, an attempt is made to estimate the proportion of unstated income for Russian ...
Comparisons of well-being indicators in monetary terms across regions of a country do not provide in...
The paper presents the research results of monetary income differentiation of the population with us...
The paper proves the need of a complex poverty measurement approach in Russian regions, including th...
The article studies the differentiation of per capita incomes of urban and rural areas of Russia, as...
The article is devoted to the review of the living standard indicators of the Moscow and Moscow regi...
The poverty is a multifaceted and diverse phenomenon, it varies in time and space. In the economic l...
Currently, a complex of the most important national projects is being implemented in the Russian Fed...
The subject of this article is the types of relationship between economic development and degree of ...
The article aims at identifying the social structure and the inequality in monetary income of the po...
ntroduction. Effective management of regional socioeconomic development processes is not possible wi...