Changed ground rules for professionalism? : About how the Swedish Association of Local Regions and Counties' labour politics have shaped teachers' status, autonomy and legitimacy

  • Larsson, Kristin
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Publication date
January 2017
Uppsala universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


This essay concerns teacher professionalism and how its prerequisites have been affected by the politcs of the employer organization Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR). In Sweden, the government has during the last thirty years carried out extensive school reforms, fueled by the paradigm of New Public Management. On the whole, these reforms have contributed to the so called 'de-professionalization' of Swedish school teachers. However, the impact of labour politics has to great lenghts been neglected in political research on teacher professionalism, and that is the gap which this thesis aims to fill. By using a wide range of material, such as collective bargaining agreements, policy documents, debate articles and se...

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