<p>Coefficients of variation associated with different factors and temporal scales of variability in fish counts, estimated using mixed- and random-effect models fitted to census data for five reef-fish species. Soft grey bars represent the component of variation contributed by each temporal scale (with 95% confidence intervals) and darker grey bars represent the total (cumulative) variation of counts at each temporal scale. Note the different scale of the y-axis for <i>Nemadactylus bergi</i>.</p
<p>Probability density function (PDF) of the periods of E1 when and changes (A), or when and cha...
<p>Bars indicate mean species richness and abundance [+standard deviation (SD)] of fishes per transe...
<p>Only the seven species that contributed the most to this temporal trend are pictured. These speci...
<p>Coefficients of spatial variation in fish counts estimated by the mixed-effect models used to eva...
<div><p>Identifying sources of sampling variation and quantifying their magnitude is critical to the...
<p>Points represent the mean of log-transformed fish population size estimates. The grey bars repres...
Many sampling strategies have been proposed as appropriate for describing spatial patterns in marine...
The magnitude of different sources of variation in coral reef fish abundance data needs to be known ...
The primary measurement made of reef fishes is abundance, which is used to compare populations and u...
<p>Conditional effect plots of linear mixed models for the estimates of four different measures of t...
<p>Shown are mean values and approximate 95% confidence intervals derived from 1,000 bootstrap repli...
<p>Selected fish groups are a) snappers (n = 226), b) groupers (n = 260), c) highly valued commercia...
Correct estimation of interindividual variability is of primary importance in models aiming to quant...
<p>Each bar represent the density at a sampling date. “X” indicate years with no sampling (2001–2002...
Black error bars represent the intra-species variability (averages and standard deviation) calculate...
<p>Probability density function (PDF) of the periods of E1 when and changes (A), or when and cha...
<p>Bars indicate mean species richness and abundance [+standard deviation (SD)] of fishes per transe...
<p>Only the seven species that contributed the most to this temporal trend are pictured. These speci...
<p>Coefficients of spatial variation in fish counts estimated by the mixed-effect models used to eva...
<div><p>Identifying sources of sampling variation and quantifying their magnitude is critical to the...
<p>Points represent the mean of log-transformed fish population size estimates. The grey bars repres...
Many sampling strategies have been proposed as appropriate for describing spatial patterns in marine...
The magnitude of different sources of variation in coral reef fish abundance data needs to be known ...
The primary measurement made of reef fishes is abundance, which is used to compare populations and u...
<p>Conditional effect plots of linear mixed models for the estimates of four different measures of t...
<p>Shown are mean values and approximate 95% confidence intervals derived from 1,000 bootstrap repli...
<p>Selected fish groups are a) snappers (n = 226), b) groupers (n = 260), c) highly valued commercia...
Correct estimation of interindividual variability is of primary importance in models aiming to quant...
<p>Each bar represent the density at a sampling date. “X” indicate years with no sampling (2001–2002...
Black error bars represent the intra-species variability (averages and standard deviation) calculate...
<p>Probability density function (PDF) of the periods of E1 when and changes (A), or when and cha...
<p>Bars indicate mean species richness and abundance [+standard deviation (SD)] of fishes per transe...
<p>Only the seven species that contributed the most to this temporal trend are pictured. These speci...