Characterization of Metal Nanocatalyst State and Morphology during Simulated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Growth

  • Diego A. Gómez-Gualdrón (1438426)
  • Jenni M. Beetge (1947766)
  • Perla B. Balbuena (1373295)
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Publication date
June 2013


The catalyst nanoparticle structure has been proposed as a potential template to guide nanotube growth toward desired chiralities during chemical vapor deposition synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes. However, exploitation of such an effect depends on understanding the state of the nanocatalyst throughout the various stages of nanotube growth for different reaction conditions. Here we show that during nucleation there is a high carbon transport activity through the nanoparticle, but eventually a nickel–carbon core is stabilized. The nickel–carbon stoichiometry of the nanoparticle at such a state is found to correspond to known carbide compositions, with such composition varying with nanoparticle size. The Ni–C core adopts layered str...

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