Growth of bovine epithelial mammospheres is suppressed by adipose-conditioned medium and rescued by FGF supplementation.

  • Gat Rauner (187891)
  • Amos Leviav (423408)
  • Eliezer Mavor (423409)
  • Itamar Barash (187896)
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Publication date
June 2013


<p><b>A</b>: Mammospheres formed by bMECs cultured for 3 days within Matrigel are smaller when supplemented with adipose-conditioned medium as compared to bMEC-conditioned or fresh medium. Columns represent average size ± SEM of 28 mammospheres measured in each group. Results of one representative experiment out of three biological replicates are presented. Inset: ammonia levels accumulated in adipose-conditioned, bMEC-conditioned and fresh media. Columns represent average size ± SEM from four analyses of each medium. **Statistically significant difference (<i>p</i> ≤ 0.01) compared to other columns. <b>B</b>: Light microscopy demonstrating the effect of the culture medium on the size of the developing mammospheres. Bar = 50 µm. <b>C</b>: T...

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