<p>Scores for English territorial waters marine bird species’ population risk due to displacement by offshore wind farms, ranked by species score.</p
Bird collision assessments are generally made at the scale of a single wind farm. While especially i...
During April 2010 – February 2011, monthly surveys of seabirds and marine mammals were conducted abo...
<p>Environmental variables to describe the distribution of Alderneys seabirds.</p
<p>Scores for species’ population vulnerability to collision mortality at offshore wind turbines, wi...
Offshore wind farms may affect bird populations through collision mortality and displacement. Given ...
We present a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool, SeaMaST (Seabird Mapping and Sensitivity Tool...
Seabirds spend a significant portion of their time at sea, where they are vulnerable to impacts from...
Assessing the risk of offshore wind farm development to migratory birds designated as features of UK...
We present a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool, SeaMaST (Seabird Mapping and Sensitivity Tool...
Tidal turbines and wave energy devices may affect seabird populations through collision mortality, d...
It is essential that the potential risks to seabird populations from offshore windfarms in Irish win...
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) conducted during pre-construction phase of offshore wind farm...
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) conducted during pre-construction phase of offshore wind farm...
<p>Occurrence frequencies and classifications of the studied coastal breeding bird species.</p
Scores for percent of climate-vulnerable core areas, vulnerability agreement among models, projected...
Bird collision assessments are generally made at the scale of a single wind farm. While especially i...
During April 2010 – February 2011, monthly surveys of seabirds and marine mammals were conducted abo...
<p>Environmental variables to describe the distribution of Alderneys seabirds.</p
<p>Scores for species’ population vulnerability to collision mortality at offshore wind turbines, wi...
Offshore wind farms may affect bird populations through collision mortality and displacement. Given ...
We present a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool, SeaMaST (Seabird Mapping and Sensitivity Tool...
Seabirds spend a significant portion of their time at sea, where they are vulnerable to impacts from...
Assessing the risk of offshore wind farm development to migratory birds designated as features of UK...
We present a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool, SeaMaST (Seabird Mapping and Sensitivity Tool...
Tidal turbines and wave energy devices may affect seabird populations through collision mortality, d...
It is essential that the potential risks to seabird populations from offshore windfarms in Irish win...
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) conducted during pre-construction phase of offshore wind farm...
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) conducted during pre-construction phase of offshore wind farm...
<p>Occurrence frequencies and classifications of the studied coastal breeding bird species.</p
Scores for percent of climate-vulnerable core areas, vulnerability agreement among models, projected...
Bird collision assessments are generally made at the scale of a single wind farm. While especially i...
During April 2010 – February 2011, monthly surveys of seabirds and marine mammals were conducted abo...
<p>Environmental variables to describe the distribution of Alderneys seabirds.</p