<p>(C) The average female ratio of historical figures in given centuries across 24 Wikipedia editions.</p
<p>The median country has 6.3% editorships held by women, indicated by the vertical dashed line. The...
<p>The link width and darkness are proportional to a number of foreign historical figures quoted in ...
<p>Distribution of researchers in the Mexican Diaspora by knowledge area, gender (numbers in parenth...
<p>All names are represented by article titles in the English Wikipedia. Here, Θ<sub><i>A</i></sub> ...
<p>(A) Birth date distribution of PageRank historical figures averaged over 24 Wikipedia editions (B...
<p>All names are represented by the corresponding article titles in the English Wikipedia. Here, Θ<s...
The top 100 historical figures of Wikipedia are determined on the basis of statistical methods and m...
<p>Two letter country codes are represented in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1...
Proportion of top-cited women across 4 different publication age cohorts of top-cited scientists.</p
<p>The distribution of 1045 top PageRank persons (A) and 1616 top 2DRank persons (B) as a function o...
Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge that can be leveraged to investigate interw...
<div><p>Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge that can be leveraged to investigat...
Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge, that can be leveraged to investigate inter...
<p>Panels: (A) distributions of PageRank historical figures over 71 countries for each Wikipedia edi...
Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge that can be leveraged to investi-gate inter...
<p>The median country has 6.3% editorships held by women, indicated by the vertical dashed line. The...
<p>The link width and darkness are proportional to a number of foreign historical figures quoted in ...
<p>Distribution of researchers in the Mexican Diaspora by knowledge area, gender (numbers in parenth...
<p>All names are represented by article titles in the English Wikipedia. Here, Θ<sub><i>A</i></sub> ...
<p>(A) Birth date distribution of PageRank historical figures averaged over 24 Wikipedia editions (B...
<p>All names are represented by the corresponding article titles in the English Wikipedia. Here, Θ<s...
The top 100 historical figures of Wikipedia are determined on the basis of statistical methods and m...
<p>Two letter country codes are represented in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1...
Proportion of top-cited women across 4 different publication age cohorts of top-cited scientists.</p
<p>The distribution of 1045 top PageRank persons (A) and 1616 top 2DRank persons (B) as a function o...
Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge that can be leveraged to investigate interw...
<div><p>Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge that can be leveraged to investigat...
Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge, that can be leveraged to investigate inter...
<p>Panels: (A) distributions of PageRank historical figures over 71 countries for each Wikipedia edi...
Wikipedia is a huge global repository of human knowledge that can be leveraged to investi-gate inter...
<p>The median country has 6.3% editorships held by women, indicated by the vertical dashed line. The...
<p>The link width and darkness are proportional to a number of foreign historical figures quoted in ...
<p>Distribution of researchers in the Mexican Diaspora by knowledge area, gender (numbers in parenth...