<p>KEGG pathways significantly enriched in genes that are overexpressed in Dominant Red skin samples.</p
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment from tissue specific DEGs: FDR<0.05.</p><p>* Indicates Biological pathway...
<p>Enriched GO biological processes and KEGG pathways in the dysregulated genes in DS.</p
GO terms and KEGG pathways significantly enriched in genes upregulated in the 5,000 m individuals.</...
<p>KEGG analysis of enriched pathways of differentially expressed genes between two groups.</p
Significant enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes in top 20 KEGG pathways.</p
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment of genes showing transgressive up-regulation in HYBSOY-1 and HYBSOY-5.</p
a<p>The number of genes mapped to each KEGG pathway in the whole transcriptome.</p>b<p>The number of...
<p>Significantly enriched KEGG pathways are shown along with their pathway ID, pathway name, the rat...
<p>Count = Amount of differentially expressed genes that mapped on pathway. Size = Total amount of g...
<p>Significantly over represented KEGG pathway by the differentially expressed genes between 5 versu...
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes between TTCS and TTE75.</p
<p>KEGG pathways that are enriched in the defoliation-responsive DEGs compared with the reference tr...
<p>KEGG pathways that are enriched in the wounding-responsive DEGs compared with the reference trans...
<p>KEGG pathways overrepresented by genes up-regulated downstream of E2A-PBX1.</p
KEGG pathways that are associated with differentially expressed genes (DEGs).</p
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment from tissue specific DEGs: FDR<0.05.</p><p>* Indicates Biological pathway...
<p>Enriched GO biological processes and KEGG pathways in the dysregulated genes in DS.</p
GO terms and KEGG pathways significantly enriched in genes upregulated in the 5,000 m individuals.</...
<p>KEGG analysis of enriched pathways of differentially expressed genes between two groups.</p
Significant enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes in top 20 KEGG pathways.</p
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment of genes showing transgressive up-regulation in HYBSOY-1 and HYBSOY-5.</p
a<p>The number of genes mapped to each KEGG pathway in the whole transcriptome.</p>b<p>The number of...
<p>Significantly enriched KEGG pathways are shown along with their pathway ID, pathway name, the rat...
<p>Count = Amount of differentially expressed genes that mapped on pathway. Size = Total amount of g...
<p>Significantly over represented KEGG pathway by the differentially expressed genes between 5 versu...
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes between TTCS and TTE75.</p
<p>KEGG pathways that are enriched in the defoliation-responsive DEGs compared with the reference tr...
<p>KEGG pathways that are enriched in the wounding-responsive DEGs compared with the reference trans...
<p>KEGG pathways overrepresented by genes up-regulated downstream of E2A-PBX1.</p
KEGG pathways that are associated with differentially expressed genes (DEGs).</p
<p>KEGG pathway enrichment from tissue specific DEGs: FDR<0.05.</p><p>* Indicates Biological pathway...
<p>Enriched GO biological processes and KEGG pathways in the dysregulated genes in DS.</p
GO terms and KEGG pathways significantly enriched in genes upregulated in the 5,000 m individuals.</...