Refugees, asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants and parenthood experiences: Summary of Literature (DOCX 65 kb
Database searches. A summary of the database search terms used in the search strategy. (DOCX 17 kb
Search Strategy: Medline â OVID. Exact search terms and groupings of terms to be used for Medline ...
Forcibly-displaced persons living in sleeping sickness endemic countries. A table indicating numbers...
Summary of results and data sources relevant to women with asylum seeker or refugee status directly ...
Characteristics of included studies. Contains important details about included reviews characteristi...
Sample data extraction and quality appraisal. A completed example of the data extraction and quality...
Questions in the web-based tool. The file includes all questions in the web-based tool that the resp...
Flow diagram of review stages. Contains details of the various stages of the review. (DOCX 265Â kb
PRISMA-P 2015 Checklist: Experiences of aging in place in the United States: protocol for a systemat...
Overview of the characteristics of included studies (utilization of therapists and counselling servi...
Dataset Application Form: form for requests to access data used for this study. (DOCX 13Â kb
Patientâs questionnaire, a two part digital questionnaire to assess patientsâ experiences with t...
Workflow in the data collection by phase of asylum procedure from the arrival of immigrants to the s...
Letâs Talk About Diabetes: Focus Groups to Inform a Digital Diabetes Storytelling Intervention. (D...
Physicianâs questionnaire, a two-part paper based questionnaire to collect physician feedback afte...
Database searches. A summary of the database search terms used in the search strategy. (DOCX 17 kb
Search Strategy: Medline â OVID. Exact search terms and groupings of terms to be used for Medline ...
Forcibly-displaced persons living in sleeping sickness endemic countries. A table indicating numbers...
Summary of results and data sources relevant to women with asylum seeker or refugee status directly ...
Characteristics of included studies. Contains important details about included reviews characteristi...
Sample data extraction and quality appraisal. A completed example of the data extraction and quality...
Questions in the web-based tool. The file includes all questions in the web-based tool that the resp...
Flow diagram of review stages. Contains details of the various stages of the review. (DOCX 265Â kb
PRISMA-P 2015 Checklist: Experiences of aging in place in the United States: protocol for a systemat...
Overview of the characteristics of included studies (utilization of therapists and counselling servi...
Dataset Application Form: form for requests to access data used for this study. (DOCX 13Â kb
Patientâs questionnaire, a two part digital questionnaire to assess patientsâ experiences with t...
Workflow in the data collection by phase of asylum procedure from the arrival of immigrants to the s...
Letâs Talk About Diabetes: Focus Groups to Inform a Digital Diabetes Storytelling Intervention. (D...
Physicianâs questionnaire, a two-part paper based questionnaire to collect physician feedback afte...
Database searches. A summary of the database search terms used in the search strategy. (DOCX 17 kb
Search Strategy: Medline â OVID. Exact search terms and groupings of terms to be used for Medline ...
Forcibly-displaced persons living in sleeping sickness endemic countries. A table indicating numbers...