The findings of the EU Fusion Programme's 'Materials Assessment Group' (MAG), assessing readiness of Structural, Plasma Facing (PF) and High Heat Flux (HHF) materials for DEMO, are discussed. These are incorporated into the EU Fusion Power Roadmap [1] , with a decision to construct DEMO in the early 2030s. The methodology uses project-based and systems-engineering approaches, the concept of Technology Readiness Levels, and considers lessons learned from Fission reactor material development. 'Baseline' materials are identified for each DEMO role, and the DEMO mission risks analysed from the known limitations, or unknown properties, associated with each baseline material. R&D programmes to address these risks are developed. The DEMO assessed ...
International audienceThe realization of a DEMOnstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO) to follow ITER,...
The long term European materials R&D programme is mainly focused on the development of the following...
DEMO is the name for the first stage prototype fusion reactor considered to be the next step after I...
The findings of the EU Fusion Programme's ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), assessing readiness of...
The findings of the EU Fusion Programme’s ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), assessing readiness of...
The findings of the EU ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), within the 2012 EU Fusion Roadmap exercis...
The findings of the EU ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), within the 2012 EU Fusion Roadmap exercis...
The findings of the EU 'Materials Assessment Group' (MAG), within the 2012 EU Fusion Roadmap exerci...
A dedicated procedure was developed to categorize the technology readiness of materials for specific...
The EUROfusion materials research program for DEMO in-vessel components aligns with the European Fus...
Demonstrating the production of net electricity and operating with a closed fuel-cycle remain unargu...
Breeding blankets are the most important components in DEMO. The DEMO blanket has to withstand high ...
An overview is given on the state-of-the-art of materials that are presently the basis of commercial...
The paper reviews the objectives and the status of the current EU long-term materials program. It hi...
The realization of a DEMOnstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO) to follow ITER, with the capability o...
International audienceThe realization of a DEMOnstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO) to follow ITER,...
The long term European materials R&D programme is mainly focused on the development of the following...
DEMO is the name for the first stage prototype fusion reactor considered to be the next step after I...
The findings of the EU Fusion Programme's ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), assessing readiness of...
The findings of the EU Fusion Programme’s ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), assessing readiness of...
The findings of the EU ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), within the 2012 EU Fusion Roadmap exercis...
The findings of the EU ‘Materials Assessment Group’ (MAG), within the 2012 EU Fusion Roadmap exercis...
The findings of the EU 'Materials Assessment Group' (MAG), within the 2012 EU Fusion Roadmap exerci...
A dedicated procedure was developed to categorize the technology readiness of materials for specific...
The EUROfusion materials research program for DEMO in-vessel components aligns with the European Fus...
Demonstrating the production of net electricity and operating with a closed fuel-cycle remain unargu...
Breeding blankets are the most important components in DEMO. The DEMO blanket has to withstand high ...
An overview is given on the state-of-the-art of materials that are presently the basis of commercial...
The paper reviews the objectives and the status of the current EU long-term materials program. It hi...
The realization of a DEMOnstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO) to follow ITER, with the capability o...
International audienceThe realization of a DEMOnstration Fusion Power Reactor (DEMO) to follow ITER,...
The long term European materials R&D programme is mainly focused on the development of the following...
DEMO is the name for the first stage prototype fusion reactor considered to be the next step after I...