We present ground-based electromagnetic data from the MIRACLE and BEAR networks and satellite optical observations from the UVI and PIXIE instruments on the Polar satellite of an omega band event over Northern Scandinavia on 26 June 1998, which occured close to the morning side edge of a substorm auroral bulge. Our analysis of the data concentrates on one omega band period from 03:18-03:27 UT, for which we use the method of characteristics combined with an analysis of the UVI and PIXIE data to derive a time series of instantaneous, solely data-based distributions of the mesoscale ionospheric electrodynamic parameters with a 1-min time resolution. In addition, the AMIE method is used to derive global Hall conductance patterns....
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions [OS] Space and upper atmospheric sciences, Wed...
We present three eastward-expanding auroral surge (EEAS) events that were observed intermittently at...
We present here the results of multi-instrument observations of auroral torch and Ps6 magnetic puls...
International audienceWe present ground-based electromagnetic data from the MIRACLE and BEAR network...
High time resolution data from the CUTLASS Finland radar during the interval 01:30-03:30 UT on 11 M...
ABSTRACT The luminous tongues tend to be narrower and having larger latitudinal extent for more inte...
We investigate the electrodynamic coupling between auroral omega bands and the inner magnetosphere. ...
The source of the auroral phenomenon known as omega bands is not yet known. We examine in detail fiv...
We present observations of auroral omega bands on 28 September 2009. Although generally associated w...
We present a case study of an omega band cur- rent system from 11 May 1998 using data from the Imagi...
Abstract Using the list of the omega structures based on the Magnetometers-Ionospheric Radars-All-s...
Magnetograms from the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array (SMA) and ionospheric electric field measureme...
The auroral wave-like structures called “omega bands” appear within the post-midnight sector auroral...
Abstract This paper shows a statistical analysis of 10.2 kHz Omega broadcasts of an artificial signa...
We present a case study of an omega band current system from 11 May 1998 using data from the Imagin...
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions [OS] Space and upper atmospheric sciences, Wed...
We present three eastward-expanding auroral surge (EEAS) events that were observed intermittently at...
We present here the results of multi-instrument observations of auroral torch and Ps6 magnetic puls...
International audienceWe present ground-based electromagnetic data from the MIRACLE and BEAR network...
High time resolution data from the CUTLASS Finland radar during the interval 01:30-03:30 UT on 11 M...
ABSTRACT The luminous tongues tend to be narrower and having larger latitudinal extent for more inte...
We investigate the electrodynamic coupling between auroral omega bands and the inner magnetosphere. ...
The source of the auroral phenomenon known as omega bands is not yet known. We examine in detail fiv...
We present observations of auroral omega bands on 28 September 2009. Although generally associated w...
We present a case study of an omega band cur- rent system from 11 May 1998 using data from the Imagi...
Abstract Using the list of the omega structures based on the Magnetometers-Ionospheric Radars-All-s...
Magnetograms from the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array (SMA) and ionospheric electric field measureme...
The auroral wave-like structures called “omega bands” appear within the post-midnight sector auroral...
Abstract This paper shows a statistical analysis of 10.2 kHz Omega broadcasts of an artificial signa...
We present a case study of an omega band current system from 11 May 1998 using data from the Imagin...
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions [OS] Space and upper atmospheric sciences, Wed...
We present three eastward-expanding auroral surge (EEAS) events that were observed intermittently at...
We present here the results of multi-instrument observations of auroral torch and Ps6 magnetic puls...