Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Siswa Kelas V Sdn 21 Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya

  • Triatmoko, A. (Anggih)
  • Purnomo, E. (Edi)
  • Yunitaningrum, W. (Wiwik)
Publication date
April 2014
Tanjungpura University


: The problem in this penelititan how gross motor skills fifth gradestudents of SDN 21 Sungai Kakap Kubu Raya The purpose of the study is toexamine gross motor skills fifth grade students of SDN 21 Sungai Kakap KubuRaya. This research method is quantitative research. The study population is theentire fifth grade students of SD Negeri 21 Sungai Kakap Kubu Raya, amountingto 45 people using saturation sampling technique taking the entire population of45 people. Mechanical test data retrieval techniques, namely motor skills testconsisting of a series of tests shot put, wall pass the test, the test ran 50 meters,test run zig-zag, standing broad jump test, and test medicine ball put. Data wereanalyzed using descriptive percentages. The results of...

Extracted data

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