The Phytophthora culture collection of the Vegetation Health Service of the Department of Environment and Conservation of Western Australia (WA) has been re-evaluated using DNA sequencing (Burgess et al., 2009). This has revealed many undescribed taxa previously classified as known morpho-species, one of which has recently been described as P. multivora (Scott et al., 2009). The aim of this study was to describe three of these taxa, all of which occur in WA native ecosystems. They were compared with both the morphological species to which they are most similar and their closest phylogenetic relatives. In addition, the pathogenicity of these taxa was assessed in glasshouse trials
Although Phytophthora species cause serious diseases worldwide, until recently the main focus on dis...
Phytophthora multivora is a recently described species with a global distribution associated with di...
Phytophthora species are well-known as destructive plant pathogens, especially in natural ecosystems...
When this study commenced in April 2007, a recent molecular re-evaluation of a number of historical ...
The introduction and subsequent impact of Phytophthora cinnamomi within native vegetation is one of ...
Phytophthora multivora is widespread in Western Australia (WA); it has a wide host range and conside...
During routine vegetation health surveys in the southwest of Western Australia (SWWA), several Phyto...
During routine vegetation health surveys in the southwest of Western Australia (SWWA), several Phyto...
Among the most economically relevant and environmentally devastating diseases globally are those cau...
Studies in native forests, woodlands and waterways in Western Australia (WA) have recovered several ...
A new Phytophthora species, isolated from rhizosphere soil of declining or dead trees of Eucalyptus ...
During surveys of dying vegetation in natural ecosystems and associated waterways in Australia many ...
Phytophthora spp. are one of Australia's most serious plant pathogens, causing well in excess of $20...
Phytophthora species are well known as destructive plant pathogens, especially in natural ecosystems...
A novel homothallic species of Phytophthora producing semipapillate sporangia on sympodially branchi...
Although Phytophthora species cause serious diseases worldwide, until recently the main focus on dis...
Phytophthora multivora is a recently described species with a global distribution associated with di...
Phytophthora species are well-known as destructive plant pathogens, especially in natural ecosystems...
When this study commenced in April 2007, a recent molecular re-evaluation of a number of historical ...
The introduction and subsequent impact of Phytophthora cinnamomi within native vegetation is one of ...
Phytophthora multivora is widespread in Western Australia (WA); it has a wide host range and conside...
During routine vegetation health surveys in the southwest of Western Australia (SWWA), several Phyto...
During routine vegetation health surveys in the southwest of Western Australia (SWWA), several Phyto...
Among the most economically relevant and environmentally devastating diseases globally are those cau...
Studies in native forests, woodlands and waterways in Western Australia (WA) have recovered several ...
A new Phytophthora species, isolated from rhizosphere soil of declining or dead trees of Eucalyptus ...
During surveys of dying vegetation in natural ecosystems and associated waterways in Australia many ...
Phytophthora spp. are one of Australia's most serious plant pathogens, causing well in excess of $20...
Phytophthora species are well known as destructive plant pathogens, especially in natural ecosystems...
A novel homothallic species of Phytophthora producing semipapillate sporangia on sympodially branchi...
Although Phytophthora species cause serious diseases worldwide, until recently the main focus on dis...
Phytophthora multivora is a recently described species with a global distribution associated with di...
Phytophthora species are well-known as destructive plant pathogens, especially in natural ecosystems...