DOI: 10.1051/3u3d/201201002 C © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2012 Efficient visualization of urban spaces

  • A. E. Stamps Iiia
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Publication date
October 2016


Abstract. This chapter presents a new method for calculating efficiency and applies that method to the issues of selecting simulation media and evaluating the contextual fit of new buildings in urban spaces. The new method is called “meta-analysis”. A meta-analytic review of 967 environments indicated that static color simulations are the most efficient media for visualizing urban spaces. For contextual fit, four original experiments are reported on how strongly five factors influence visual appeal of a street: architectural style, trees, height of a new building relative to the heights of existing buildings, setting back a third story, and distance. A meta-analysis of these four experiments and previous findings, covering 461 environments,...

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