Abstract. Large organizations today face a growing challenge of managing het-erogeneous process collections containing business processes. Explicit seman-tics inherent to domain-specific models can help alleviate some of the manage-ment challenges. Starting with concept definitions, designers can create domain specific processes and eventually generate industry-standard BPMN for use in BPMS solutions. However, any of these artefacts (concepts, domain processes and BPMN) can be modified by various stakeholders and changes done by one person may influence models used by others. There is therefore a need for tool support to aid in keeping track of changes done and their impacts on different stakeholders. In this paper we present an approach to...
In recent years, Business Process Management (BPM) applications have become central enablers for the...
Business processes evolve throughout their lifecycle of change. Business Process Modeling (BPM2) not...
Within an enterprise, different models – even of the same type - are typically created by different ...
ABSTRACT Processes need to be captured in a structured way in order to analyse them by using compute...
Business process analysts and process owners define their work with flows and activities. Different ...
Business process management plays an important role in the management of organizations. More and mor...
Business process management has emerged as a focus of considerable industry and research interest in...
A key challenge in devising solutions to a range of problems associated with business process manage...
This paper is a contribution towards a theory-driven, exploratory empirical investigation of process...
The task of accurately model Business Process is steadily growing in complicatedness, partially due ...
Abstract. Most medium to large organizations support large collections of process designs, often sto...
On formalizing inter-process relationships Most medium to large organizations support large collecti...
Business Process Models describe sequences of activities, expressed in a certain modeling language, ...
In recent years the problems related to modeling and improving business processes have been of growi...
The unified documentation of models and their relations which vary greatly in regard to the descript...
In recent years, Business Process Management (BPM) applications have become central enablers for the...
Business processes evolve throughout their lifecycle of change. Business Process Modeling (BPM2) not...
Within an enterprise, different models – even of the same type - are typically created by different ...
ABSTRACT Processes need to be captured in a structured way in order to analyse them by using compute...
Business process analysts and process owners define their work with flows and activities. Different ...
Business process management plays an important role in the management of organizations. More and mor...
Business process management has emerged as a focus of considerable industry and research interest in...
A key challenge in devising solutions to a range of problems associated with business process manage...
This paper is a contribution towards a theory-driven, exploratory empirical investigation of process...
The task of accurately model Business Process is steadily growing in complicatedness, partially due ...
Abstract. Most medium to large organizations support large collections of process designs, often sto...
On formalizing inter-process relationships Most medium to large organizations support large collecti...
Business Process Models describe sequences of activities, expressed in a certain modeling language, ...
In recent years the problems related to modeling and improving business processes have been of growi...
The unified documentation of models and their relations which vary greatly in regard to the descript...
In recent years, Business Process Management (BPM) applications have become central enablers for the...
Business processes evolve throughout their lifecycle of change. Business Process Modeling (BPM2) not...
Within an enterprise, different models – even of the same type - are typically created by different ...