Empirical Study of Intraday Option Price Changes using extended Count Regression Models

  • Claudia Czado
  • Andreas Kolbe
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Publication date
January 2004


In this paper we model absolute price changes of an option on the XETRA DAX index based on quote-by-quote data from the EUREX exchange. In contrast to other authors, we focus on a parameter-driven model for this purpose and use a Poisson Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with a latent AR(1) process in the mean, which accounts for autocorrelation and overdispersion in the data. Parameter estimation is carried out by Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods us-ing the WinBUGS software. In a Bayesian context, we prove the superiority of this modelling approach compared to an ordinary Poisson-GLM and to a complex Poisson-GLM with hetero-geneous variance structure (but without taking into account any autocorrelations) by using the deviance information crit...

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