CTCP: Improving TCP-Friendliness Over Low- Buffered Network Links

  • Kun Tan
  • Jingmin Song
  • Murari Sridharan
  • Cheng-yuan Ho
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Publication date
January 2015


Abstract—Compound TCP (CTCP) is a sender-side improve-ment for TCP in high-speed and long distance networks. CTCP is a synergy of delay and loss-based congestion control, effectively combining them to achieve good efficiency, RTT fairness and TCP-friendliness. However, CTCP requires detecting incipient congestion effectively by estimating the backlogged packets and comparing it to a pre-defined parameter gamma. Choosing the appropriate value for gamma could be a problem because this parameter depends on both network configuration and the num-ber of concurrent flows, which are generally unknown to the end-systems. As a consequence, when operating over under-buffered links, CTCP may demonstrate poor fairness to regular TCP flows that may be c...

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