A mixed grape and blueberry extract is safe for dogs to consume

  • Martineau, Anne-Sophie
  • Leray, Véronique
  • Lepoudere, Anne
  • Blanchard, Géraldine
  • Bensalem, Julien
  • Gaudout, David
  • Ouguerram, Khadija
Publication date
January 2016
Citation count (estimate)


Background: Grape and blueberry extracts are known to protect against age-related cognitive decline. However, beneficial effects achieved by mixing grape and blueberry extracts have yet to be evaluated in dogs, or their bioavailability assessed. Of concern to us were cases of acute renal failure in dogs, after their ingestion of grapes or raisins. The European Pet Food Industry Federation (2013) considers only the grape or raisin itself to be potentially dangerous; grape-seed extracts per-se, are not considered to be a threat. Our aim was therefore to evaluate the renal and hepatic safety, and measure plasma derivatives of a polyphenol-rich extract from grape and blueberry (PEGB; from the Neurophenols Consortium) in dogs. Polyphenol express...

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