Title: Extremal Polyominoes Author: Veronika Steffanová Department: Department of Applied Mathematics Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Pavel Valtr, Dr. Abstract: The thesis is focused on polyominoes and other planar figures consisting of regular polygons, namely polyiamonds and polyhexes. We study the basic geometrical properties: the perimeter, the convex hull and the bounding rectangle/hexagon. We maximise and minimise these parameters and for the fixed size of the polyomino, denoted by n. We compute the extremal values of a chosen parameter and then we try to enumerate all polyominoes of the size n, which has the extremal property. Some of the problems were solved by other authors. We summarise their results. Some of the problems were solved by us...
The thesis represents a collection of solved problems concerned with covering planar shapes (mostly ...
Darbā pētītas plaknes figūras – maģiskie polimondi. Iegūti vairāki rezultāti par šādu polimondu lauk...
A dissection of a convex d-polytope is a partition of the polytope into d-simplices whose v...
. Lin and Chang gave a generating function for the number of convex polyominoes with an m+1byn+ 1 mi...
AbstractFor a positive integer n that is not a power of 2, precisely the same family of convex polyg...
AbstractThis paper expresses the minimal possible lp-perimeter of a convex lattice polygon with resp...
The paper is devoted to some extremal problems, related to convex polygons in the Euclidean plane an...
Dans cette thèse nous étudions la caractérisation et l'énumération de polyominos définis par des c...
In this thesis, we consider the problem of characterising and enumerating sets of polyominoes descri...
AbstractA combination of the refined finite lattice method and transfer matrices allows a radical in...
We study a proper subset of polyominoes, called polygonal polyominoes, which are defined to be self-...
All possible convex hull (i.e. the minimum area convex polygon containing the planar set) algorithms...
AbstractThe diameter of a convex set C is the length of the longest segment in C, and the local diam...
Enumeration of polyominoes defined in terms of pattern avoidance or convexity constraints Thesis of ...
AbstractThe problem of determining the largest volume of a (d + 2)-point set in Ed of unit diameter ...
The thesis represents a collection of solved problems concerned with covering planar shapes (mostly ...
Darbā pētītas plaknes figūras – maģiskie polimondi. Iegūti vairāki rezultāti par šādu polimondu lauk...
A dissection of a convex d-polytope is a partition of the polytope into d-simplices whose v...
. Lin and Chang gave a generating function for the number of convex polyominoes with an m+1byn+ 1 mi...
AbstractFor a positive integer n that is not a power of 2, precisely the same family of convex polyg...
AbstractThis paper expresses the minimal possible lp-perimeter of a convex lattice polygon with resp...
The paper is devoted to some extremal problems, related to convex polygons in the Euclidean plane an...
Dans cette thèse nous étudions la caractérisation et l'énumération de polyominos définis par des c...
In this thesis, we consider the problem of characterising and enumerating sets of polyominoes descri...
AbstractA combination of the refined finite lattice method and transfer matrices allows a radical in...
We study a proper subset of polyominoes, called polygonal polyominoes, which are defined to be self-...
All possible convex hull (i.e. the minimum area convex polygon containing the planar set) algorithms...
AbstractThe diameter of a convex set C is the length of the longest segment in C, and the local diam...
Enumeration of polyominoes defined in terms of pattern avoidance or convexity constraints Thesis of ...
AbstractThe problem of determining the largest volume of a (d + 2)-point set in Ed of unit diameter ...
The thesis represents a collection of solved problems concerned with covering planar shapes (mostly ...
Darbā pētītas plaknes figūras – maģiskie polimondi. Iegūti vairāki rezultāti par šādu polimondu lauk...
A dissection of a convex d-polytope is a partition of the polytope into d-simplices whose v...