Title: The preparation of women floorball referees to preside over professional competitions. Objectives: The main objective of this work is to introduce the reader into the preparation of women floorball referees to preside over professional competitions and then compare with practice. This will provide some guidance for the referees how to proceed in the preparation of the presiding of partial match, as well as for the overall pre-season training. In the research part of this paper will be evaluated the questionnaire survey, whose aim should be the assessment of the current state of preparation of women referees in the Czech Republic and abroad. Methods: This work is based on a literature review of scientific books, articles, and relevant...
Aim: to develop and experimentally substantiate the use of the video manual "Challenge for Referees"...
Title: Proposal of the model of annual floorball training cycle Objectives: The aim of my graduation...
Název: Příprava florbalových rozhodčích na utkání Cíle: Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvo...
Title of the work: The position of women in the role of a football referee Aim of the work: Aim of t...
Title: Leading and satisfaction of referees in Czech Handball Federation Objectives: The main aim of...
Title: Assessment of fitness preparedness of floorball women Objectives: The main aim of this work i...
Title: Women in decision making bodies in Czech sport (focus on federations of Czech Sport Union) Ob...
Title: Mutual comparison of results of fitness tests and tests of floorball skills among talented Cz...
Title: Assessment of using equipment for functional training of floorball women Objectives: The aim ...
Title: Fitness floorball training for 1. league men Objectives: Aim of the bachelor thesis is to com...
Purpose: determine the level of individual functionality referees qualifications. Objective of the s...
Floorball as a modern sport branch has been recently under intensive development in the Czech Republ...
Annotation. Purpose: determine the level of individual functionality referees qualifications. Object...
The question concerning such a person who is forced to work in the conditions of increased stress an...
Football refereeing has become more demanding in terms of physical and mental preparation. Elite foo...
Aim: to develop and experimentally substantiate the use of the video manual "Challenge for Referees"...
Title: Proposal of the model of annual floorball training cycle Objectives: The aim of my graduation...
Název: Příprava florbalových rozhodčích na utkání Cíle: Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvo...
Title of the work: The position of women in the role of a football referee Aim of the work: Aim of t...
Title: Leading and satisfaction of referees in Czech Handball Federation Objectives: The main aim of...
Title: Assessment of fitness preparedness of floorball women Objectives: The main aim of this work i...
Title: Women in decision making bodies in Czech sport (focus on federations of Czech Sport Union) Ob...
Title: Mutual comparison of results of fitness tests and tests of floorball skills among talented Cz...
Title: Assessment of using equipment for functional training of floorball women Objectives: The aim ...
Title: Fitness floorball training for 1. league men Objectives: Aim of the bachelor thesis is to com...
Purpose: determine the level of individual functionality referees qualifications. Objective of the s...
Floorball as a modern sport branch has been recently under intensive development in the Czech Republ...
Annotation. Purpose: determine the level of individual functionality referees qualifications. Object...
The question concerning such a person who is forced to work in the conditions of increased stress an...
Football refereeing has become more demanding in terms of physical and mental preparation. Elite foo...
Aim: to develop and experimentally substantiate the use of the video manual "Challenge for Referees"...
Title: Proposal of the model of annual floorball training cycle Objectives: The aim of my graduation...
Název: Příprava florbalových rozhodčích na utkání Cíle: Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvo...