NITRA, Vojtěch. Obsahová analýza zpravodajského portálu Praha, 2015. 71 s. Bakalářská práce (Bc.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky. Katedra mediálních studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce PhDr. Jan Křeček, Ph.D. Abstract This bachelor thesis analyzes the former news portal from the perspective of its main contents. Specifically topics of contributions and their sources. Using content analysis researcher encoded each post separately to the proposed coding table. The data obtained are analyzed through basic statistical methods, and also interpreted with the help of the knowledge acquired by qualitative methods of participant observation and in depth interviews. Th...
In recent years, many sources have referred to the Russian hybrid or information warfare against the...
Every day, news site brings its readers the latest pieces of information about media, m...
A traditional printed newspaper is being replaced by an online one. This is one of the reasons why I...
NITRA, Vojtěch. Obsahová analýza zpravodajského portálu Praha, 2015. 71 s. Bakalářská...
The thesis "Influence of the Czech News Agency's coverage on the content of sport sections of Intern...
The bachelor thesis Content analysis of selected media cause focuses on the articles about so called...
(English) The purpose of this diploma thesis was to analyze a role of Sputnik Česká republika (Sputn...
V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na spletne predstavitve slovenskih dnevnih časopisov. Zanimalo...
Konvergenca v medijih je poskrbela za pojav novih načinov podajanja novinarskih prispevkov. Z razvoj... and its importance for the Czech media environment Klára Böhmová 2015 Abstract The thes...
The thesis is based on the content analysis of new websites in terms of tabloid. Later it shows, tha...
Tématem diplomové práce je analýza webových stránek vybraných fakult v České republice. V obsáhlé te...
The theme of online video and television is becoming an increasingly important social phenomenon. Re...
Content analysis is a well-established research technique that has been used to examine myriad type ...
Bachelor's thesis "The Czech Televison Regional News Service between Years 2006 and 2009" deals with...
In recent years, many sources have referred to the Russian hybrid or information warfare against the...
Every day, news site brings its readers the latest pieces of information about media, m...
A traditional printed newspaper is being replaced by an online one. This is one of the reasons why I...
NITRA, Vojtěch. Obsahová analýza zpravodajského portálu Praha, 2015. 71 s. Bakalářská...
The thesis "Influence of the Czech News Agency's coverage on the content of sport sections of Intern...
The bachelor thesis Content analysis of selected media cause focuses on the articles about so called...
(English) The purpose of this diploma thesis was to analyze a role of Sputnik Česká republika (Sputn...
V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na spletne predstavitve slovenskih dnevnih časopisov. Zanimalo...
Konvergenca v medijih je poskrbela za pojav novih načinov podajanja novinarskih prispevkov. Z razvoj... and its importance for the Czech media environment Klára Böhmová 2015 Abstract The thes...
The thesis is based on the content analysis of new websites in terms of tabloid. Later it shows, tha...
Tématem diplomové práce je analýza webových stránek vybraných fakult v České republice. V obsáhlé te...
The theme of online video and television is becoming an increasingly important social phenomenon. Re...
Content analysis is a well-established research technique that has been used to examine myriad type ...
Bachelor's thesis "The Czech Televison Regional News Service between Years 2006 and 2009" deals with...
In recent years, many sources have referred to the Russian hybrid or information warfare against the...
Every day, news site brings its readers the latest pieces of information about media, m...
A traditional printed newspaper is being replaced by an online one. This is one of the reasons why I...