Title: Indebtedness and local self-government The author: Bc. Vlastimil Jirouš The author of the thesis deals with the debt of local governments, ie municipalities and regions, and regulation of indebtedness. Regulation of indebtedness divided into control debt "ex ante", which helps prevent over-indebtedness, and "ex post" regulation, which establishes the procedure for dealing with over-indebtedness of local governments Debts of local governments in the Czech Republic is gradually increasing. Even though most of the debts are debts of large cities are most at risk of over-indebtedness of municipalities with less than 1,000 inhabitants. The main cause of increasing indebtedness of local governments are investing in infrastructure. Most loc...
Diplomová práce se zabývá právní úpravou zadluženosti obcí v České republice. Cílem je především zho...
This paper aims to provide the public with basic data on the indebtedness of Croatian local governme...
The paper presents the current state of municipal indebtedness in the Czech Republic. Further, there...
The aim of this thesis is the state and the dynamics of indebtedness of territorial self-governing u...
The thesis deals with the indebtedness of statutory cities in the Czech Republic and its development...
Summary: This thesis deals with the enforcement of judgments, foreclosures, indebtedness in the Czec...
Municipalities as basic territorial self-governing units and regions as higher territorial self-gove...
This diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of indebtedness of natural person citizens of the Czech ...
This thesis focuses on the issue of indebtedness of Czech municipalities and their role in the total...
The thesis "Over-Indebtedness in the Czech Republic: Problem Analysis and Policy Alternatives" deals...
Municipal indebtedness has become a much debated issue in recent years. This paper analyzes debt dev...
This thesis is focused on issues of indebtedness of the Czech Republic and surrounding EU area count...
The thesis "Debt trap - the possibility of resolving the debt issue " is concerned with how the publ...
Many municipalities in the Czech Republic have problems with excessive debt levels. This work first ...
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku únosnosti municipálního dluhu a na možnost jeho regulace...
Diplomová práce se zabývá právní úpravou zadluženosti obcí v České republice. Cílem je především zho...
This paper aims to provide the public with basic data on the indebtedness of Croatian local governme...
The paper presents the current state of municipal indebtedness in the Czech Republic. Further, there...
The aim of this thesis is the state and the dynamics of indebtedness of territorial self-governing u...
The thesis deals with the indebtedness of statutory cities in the Czech Republic and its development...
Summary: This thesis deals with the enforcement of judgments, foreclosures, indebtedness in the Czec...
Municipalities as basic territorial self-governing units and regions as higher territorial self-gove...
This diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of indebtedness of natural person citizens of the Czech ...
This thesis focuses on the issue of indebtedness of Czech municipalities and their role in the total...
The thesis "Over-Indebtedness in the Czech Republic: Problem Analysis and Policy Alternatives" deals...
Municipal indebtedness has become a much debated issue in recent years. This paper analyzes debt dev...
This thesis is focused on issues of indebtedness of the Czech Republic and surrounding EU area count...
The thesis "Debt trap - the possibility of resolving the debt issue " is concerned with how the publ...
Many municipalities in the Czech Republic have problems with excessive debt levels. This work first ...
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku únosnosti municipálního dluhu a na možnost jeho regulace...
Diplomová práce se zabývá právní úpravou zadluženosti obcí v České republice. Cílem je především zho...
This paper aims to provide the public with basic data on the indebtedness of Croatian local governme...
The paper presents the current state of municipal indebtedness in the Czech Republic. Further, there...