The aim of this work is to examine the applicability of an algorithm for approximate frequency counting to act as an on-the-fly filter in the process of phrase table extraction in Statistical Machine Translation systems. Its implementation allows for the bulk of extracted phrase pairs to be much reduced with no significant loss to the ultimate quality of the phrase-based translation model as measured by the state-of-the-art evaluation measure BLEU. The result of this implementation is a fully working program, called eppex, capable of acting as an alternative to the existing tools for phrase table creation and filtration that are part of the open-source SMT system Moses. A substantial part of this work is devoted to the benchmarking of both ...
The heuristic estimates of conditional phrase translation probabilities are based on frequency count...
In this work we present an approach for extracting parallel phrases from comparable news articles to...
State-of-the-art statistical machine translation systems make use of a large translation table obta...
We present a tool that extracts phrase pairs from a word-aligned parallel corpus and filters them on...
In this paper we investigate the technique of extending the Moses Statistical Machine Translation (S...
Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation systems model the translation process using pairs of co...
This paper describes the 2010 phrase-based statistical machine translation system developed at the T...
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) developed in the late 1980s, based initially upon a word-to-wo...
In this paper we address the problem of automatic acquisition of a human-oriented translation dictio...
It is possible to reduce the bulk of phrasetables for Statistical Machine translation using a techni...
This paper describes the system jointly de-veloped by members of the Departament de Llenguatges i Si...
In statistical machine translation, the currently best performing systems are based in some way on p...
State-of-the-art statistical machine transla-tion systems make use of a large trans-lation table obt...
It is possible to reduce the bulk of phrase-tables for Statistical Machine Translation us-ing a tech...
[[abstract]]傳統以詞組為本之統計式機器翻譯 (Phrase-based SMT) 在產生詞組翻譯對照表 (Phrase Translation Table) 前,會先做詞彙對應 (word...
The heuristic estimates of conditional phrase translation probabilities are based on frequency count...
In this work we present an approach for extracting parallel phrases from comparable news articles to...
State-of-the-art statistical machine translation systems make use of a large translation table obta...
We present a tool that extracts phrase pairs from a word-aligned parallel corpus and filters them on...
In this paper we investigate the technique of extending the Moses Statistical Machine Translation (S...
Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation systems model the translation process using pairs of co...
This paper describes the 2010 phrase-based statistical machine translation system developed at the T...
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) developed in the late 1980s, based initially upon a word-to-wo...
In this paper we address the problem of automatic acquisition of a human-oriented translation dictio...
It is possible to reduce the bulk of phrasetables for Statistical Machine translation using a techni...
This paper describes the system jointly de-veloped by members of the Departament de Llenguatges i Si...
In statistical machine translation, the currently best performing systems are based in some way on p...
State-of-the-art statistical machine transla-tion systems make use of a large trans-lation table obt...
It is possible to reduce the bulk of phrase-tables for Statistical Machine Translation us-ing a tech...
[[abstract]]傳統以詞組為本之統計式機器翻譯 (Phrase-based SMT) 在產生詞組翻譯對照表 (Phrase Translation Table) 前,會先做詞彙對應 (word...
The heuristic estimates of conditional phrase translation probabilities are based on frequency count...
In this work we present an approach for extracting parallel phrases from comparable news articles to...
State-of-the-art statistical machine translation systems make use of a large translation table obta...