Title: The development of football in the Czech Republic This work is focused on the development of football in the Czech Republic. Maps twenty years of history since the founding of the first Czech club, Prague Lions until 2011. The aim is to introduce the layman the game American football, with its brief history in the U.S. and developments in the world with a focus on Europe. Development in the Czech Republic is followed by formation of clubs and it is compared with neighboring countries. Key words: football, development, origin, history, Czech Republi
Title: Comparison of selected minority sports in the Czech Republic from the player, spectator and m...
Main idea of my work is to map history and process of Footballtennis in Czech Republic since its bir...
(English) The diploma thesis The Establishment of the Union of European Football Associations and th...
Title: The club development of american football in the Czech Republic In the first part of this the...
The thesis deals with the history of German football in the Czech lands since its inception until th...
In this work I will try to focus on the creation and development of football culture on Prague's Let...
The most popular game all over the world has entered the territory of Bohemia already in the last de...
Title: Responses of the sports press to the success of Czechoslovak and Czech football. Introduction...
This bachelor thesis deals with the history of women's football in the Czech lands. The thesis is di...
Title of project: SK Jičín's Football Club History Thesis goals: The main goal of my bachelor's thes...
Objektive was to describe the history of the football club Kostelec nad Labem, now TJ Kostelec and t...
Title: History of the Prague Rugby Objectives: The main goal of this bachelors thesis is to collect ...
The most popular game all over the world has entered the territory of Bohemia already in the last de...
Title of bachelor thesis: History and the present of organized woman's football in the Czech Republi...
Témou práce je návrh prvého štadióna na hranie amerického futbalu v Českej Republike. Cieľom je vytv...
Title: Comparison of selected minority sports in the Czech Republic from the player, spectator and m...
Main idea of my work is to map history and process of Footballtennis in Czech Republic since its bir...
(English) The diploma thesis The Establishment of the Union of European Football Associations and th...
Title: The club development of american football in the Czech Republic In the first part of this the...
The thesis deals with the history of German football in the Czech lands since its inception until th...
In this work I will try to focus on the creation and development of football culture on Prague's Let...
The most popular game all over the world has entered the territory of Bohemia already in the last de...
Title: Responses of the sports press to the success of Czechoslovak and Czech football. Introduction...
This bachelor thesis deals with the history of women's football in the Czech lands. The thesis is di...
Title of project: SK Jičín's Football Club History Thesis goals: The main goal of my bachelor's thes...
Objektive was to describe the history of the football club Kostelec nad Labem, now TJ Kostelec and t...
Title: History of the Prague Rugby Objectives: The main goal of this bachelors thesis is to collect ...
The most popular game all over the world has entered the territory of Bohemia already in the last de...
Title of bachelor thesis: History and the present of organized woman's football in the Czech Republi...
Témou práce je návrh prvého štadióna na hranie amerického futbalu v Českej Republike. Cieľom je vytv...
Title: Comparison of selected minority sports in the Czech Republic from the player, spectator and m...
Main idea of my work is to map history and process of Footballtennis in Czech Republic since its bir...
(English) The diploma thesis The Establishment of the Union of European Football Associations and th...