The aim of this bachelor thesis is to compare the spontaneous motion activity of children from cities and countryside. The thesis also surveys how teachers in kinder-gardens influence spontaneous motion activities. It also investigates the spatial and material conditions in observed kinder-gardens and if they influence spontaneous motion activity of pre-school children as well. Part of the thesis is an experiment with aim to influence the spontaneous motion activity with a change of surroundings and offering the tool. First chapter deals with the motion activity of pre-school kids. It mentions types of motion activities and describes motion development of pre-school kid. Second chapter describes the spontaneous motion activity of pre-school...
The bachelor's thesis "Outdoor school from spring to winter" deals with the influence of field teach...
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou rozvoje hrubé motoriky předškolních dětí. Cílem...
The aim of the work was to objectively examine the physical activity of children in two different ty...
The objective of this bachelor thesis was to find out the content and scope of movement activities a...
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of movement of pre-school children in free play in kindergar...
The diploma work "The significance and possibilities of physical activites in preschool period" is f...
TITLE: Spontaneous activities of children in nature and preschool education AUTHOR: Ivana Šircová DE...
The central theme of this bachelor's thesis is research of motor activities among children in kinder...
This bachelor thesis is focused on the problem of children being detached from nature. Time spent at...
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to find out the opinion of preschool children on direct involvement...
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of outdoor games in the school gardens of kindergartens. T...
and keywords The level of movement skills and dexterity in relation to movement activities of pre- s...
My diploma work deals with the moving activities, which are the component of the life of the childre...
This bachelor's thesis deals with the factors, which influence the effectiveness of the teaching met...
The aim of the diploma thesis was the analysis of children's motor responses to different performanc...
The bachelor's thesis "Outdoor school from spring to winter" deals with the influence of field teach...
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou rozvoje hrubé motoriky předškolních dětí. Cílem...
The aim of the work was to objectively examine the physical activity of children in two different ty...
The objective of this bachelor thesis was to find out the content and scope of movement activities a...
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of movement of pre-school children in free play in kindergar...
The diploma work "The significance and possibilities of physical activites in preschool period" is f...
TITLE: Spontaneous activities of children in nature and preschool education AUTHOR: Ivana Šircová DE...
The central theme of this bachelor's thesis is research of motor activities among children in kinder...
This bachelor thesis is focused on the problem of children being detached from nature. Time spent at...
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to find out the opinion of preschool children on direct involvement...
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of outdoor games in the school gardens of kindergartens. T...
and keywords The level of movement skills and dexterity in relation to movement activities of pre- s...
My diploma work deals with the moving activities, which are the component of the life of the childre...
This bachelor's thesis deals with the factors, which influence the effectiveness of the teaching met...
The aim of the diploma thesis was the analysis of children's motor responses to different performanc...
The bachelor's thesis "Outdoor school from spring to winter" deals with the influence of field teach...
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou rozvoje hrubé motoriky předškolních dětí. Cílem...
The aim of the work was to objectively examine the physical activity of children in two different ty...