Title: Teaching Primary School Children Front Crawl by Using Body Rotation Objectives: The goal of the thesis is teaching primary school children the front crawl swimming technique by using the body rotation. The specific goal of the thesis is that children should swim 25 m by using the front crawl swimming technique with breathing on one chosen side. Methods: This work is mainly descriptive. It is a multi-case study. In our work we used both methods - standardized and non-standardized. Methods were applied to a group of children of the age from six to nine years - before, during and after the swimming lessons. And then the methods were analyzed qualitatively by the researcher. Results: The teaching of the front crawl swimming technique by ...
9 RESUMÉ This thesis deals with teaching children swimming, especially its basic stages of mastering...
Abstraction: Title: The swimming skills of children from the first to fourth grade of elementary sch...
Since ancient times swimming has played an important role in people's lives and today swimming is on...
Title: Teaching Primary School Children Front Crawl by Using Body Rotation Objectives: The goal of t...
Title: Tuition of crawl stroke technique to children of younger pupil age Goal of the thesis: The go...
Title of thesis: Front crawl technique of 12 years old boys The aim of our study is to determine key...
TITLE Influence of the obligatory swimming course on flexibility of children in younger school age a...
The aim of the thesis is to research and analyse swimming lessons for preschool children based on a ...
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate, based on observation and testing, the swimming techniq...
Title: Comparative analysis of the swimming technique crawl Aim: The aim of this thesis is to perfor...
The aim of this work is to find the most common mistakes in children of younger school age in swimmi...
Title: The impact of technical exercise - alternating circling of the upper extremities - to technic...
Title: Swimming breathing training methods for younger school-age children Author: Klára Kraumanová,...
TITLE: Influence of swimming on increasing flexibility as a component of the desterity of primary sc...
9 RESUMÉ This thesis deals with teaching children swimming, especially its basic stages of mastering...
Abstraction: Title: The swimming skills of children from the first to fourth grade of elementary sch...
Since ancient times swimming has played an important role in people's lives and today swimming is on...
Title: Teaching Primary School Children Front Crawl by Using Body Rotation Objectives: The goal of t...
Title: Tuition of crawl stroke technique to children of younger pupil age Goal of the thesis: The go...
Title of thesis: Front crawl technique of 12 years old boys The aim of our study is to determine key...
TITLE Influence of the obligatory swimming course on flexibility of children in younger school age a...
The aim of the thesis is to research and analyse swimming lessons for preschool children based on a ...
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate, based on observation and testing, the swimming techniq...
Title: Comparative analysis of the swimming technique crawl Aim: The aim of this thesis is to perfor...
The aim of this work is to find the most common mistakes in children of younger school age in swimmi...
Title: The impact of technical exercise - alternating circling of the upper extremities - to technic...
Title: Swimming breathing training methods for younger school-age children Author: Klára Kraumanová,...
TITLE: Influence of swimming on increasing flexibility as a component of the desterity of primary sc...
9 RESUMÉ This thesis deals with teaching children swimming, especially its basic stages of mastering...
Abstraction: Title: The swimming skills of children from the first to fourth grade of elementary sch...
Since ancient times swimming has played an important role in people's lives and today swimming is on...