Mladá Boleslav is a town with long and rich cultural tradition, which has been linked with lots of literary active personalities. The name Mikuláš Klaudián and his famous Brethern's print shop are connected with Brethern Unity. The writer Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský, born in Mladá Boleslav, reminded his birthplace especially in his short stories. The writer Ferdinand Schulz stayed for two years in Mladá Boleslav as a student and described them in his book called Latinská babička. At the beginning of 20th century writer Karel Sellner came to Mladá Boleslav and his further educational activities of a school inspektor, homeland sciontist and writer enriched the life of Mladá Boleslav community. Writer Adolf Branald was known famous for his automob...
V bakalářské práci jsem se věnovala Ladislavu Stehlíkovi, autoru mého kraje. Ladislav Stehlík byl bá...
TITLE: German-Czech meetings in books written by Martin Becker and Jaroslav Rudiš SUMMARY: The subje...
The diploma work prologue describes the history and metamorphosis of Mlada Boleslav region from anci...
Práce se věnuje tématu kulturního a historického vývoje ve městě Brandýs nad Labem Stara Boleslav, ...
The rigorous work of "Literary Tradition and the Contemporary Region of Benešov" is trying to map th...
The diploma thesis looks into literary legends of the Sedlčany and its closest area which is defined...
This work focuses on an important but often neglected figure in Czech culture and literature, Franti...
Beneš Metod Kulda, a catholic priest, took part in the national movement in Moravia. He was also col...
This work deals with the fate of selected places or villages in which the stories of Karel Klosterma...
This Bachelor thesis focuses on research of the image of Czechoslovak ice-hockey goalkeeper Bohumil ...
RESUMÉ V ANGLICKÉM JAZYCE Slaný is a town not only with a long history, but also with rich cultural ...
V první části práce jsou vypsáni autoři narození a pobývající na vymezeném území (krajina mezi Berou...
Předmětem diplomové práce je návrh kulturního centra pro novou městskou čtvrť v Mladé Boleslavi, kte...
Diplomová práce se zabývá tradicemi a řemesly v regionu Mladoboleslavska a jejich využitím ve výtvar...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá lidovými urbanonymy v Mladé Boleslavi. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř ka...
V bakalářské práci jsem se věnovala Ladislavu Stehlíkovi, autoru mého kraje. Ladislav Stehlík byl bá...
TITLE: German-Czech meetings in books written by Martin Becker and Jaroslav Rudiš SUMMARY: The subje...
The diploma work prologue describes the history and metamorphosis of Mlada Boleslav region from anci...
Práce se věnuje tématu kulturního a historického vývoje ve městě Brandýs nad Labem Stara Boleslav, ...
The rigorous work of "Literary Tradition and the Contemporary Region of Benešov" is trying to map th...
The diploma thesis looks into literary legends of the Sedlčany and its closest area which is defined...
This work focuses on an important but often neglected figure in Czech culture and literature, Franti...
Beneš Metod Kulda, a catholic priest, took part in the national movement in Moravia. He was also col...
This work deals with the fate of selected places or villages in which the stories of Karel Klosterma...
This Bachelor thesis focuses on research of the image of Czechoslovak ice-hockey goalkeeper Bohumil ...
RESUMÉ V ANGLICKÉM JAZYCE Slaný is a town not only with a long history, but also with rich cultural ...
V první části práce jsou vypsáni autoři narození a pobývající na vymezeném území (krajina mezi Berou...
Předmětem diplomové práce je návrh kulturního centra pro novou městskou čtvrť v Mladé Boleslavi, kte...
Diplomová práce se zabývá tradicemi a řemesly v regionu Mladoboleslavska a jejich využitím ve výtvar...
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá lidovými urbanonymy v Mladé Boleslavi. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř ka...
V bakalářské práci jsem se věnovala Ladislavu Stehlíkovi, autoru mého kraje. Ladislav Stehlík byl bá...
TITLE: German-Czech meetings in books written by Martin Becker and Jaroslav Rudiš SUMMARY: The subje...
The diploma work prologue describes the history and metamorphosis of Mlada Boleslav region from anci...